Money can grow by compounding,not by leveraging !
A small story:
A watchman made a great Penance, God appeared before him & ready to give him 2 offers.
Then watchman wanted his 1st desire, A Great Building,the bricks & all other contents reg the building should be made up of Silver,Gold,Platinum Diamonds only. Granted !
his 2nd desire, he wants to be a Watchman of that ExtraordinaryBuilding !
YathBhavamTatbhavathi !
As you think,so you are !
Everything is Created twice ! First within, then without !
If u want to be a watchman,you can be.
If u want to be a Crorepathy,Yes you can be.
Can we make One Crore from just a RiskCapital of Rs 25,000/- in 5Years.
Let us presume that we can earn 500 NiftyOPTION points[positional] in 6Months,
means 85 points per Month[EasiestPossibility !]
Let us double the Quantity every 6Months starting with
as low as 100[2Lots,Practically Possible !]
Now see the plan,
1st Year
1st 6Months 100*500=Rs50,000
2nd 6Months 200*500=1,00,000
One Lakh Fifty Thousand
Take ur Investment back with thirtythousand profit also !
Now totally RiskFree !
2nd year
1st 6Months 400*500=2,00,000
2nd 6Months 800*500=4,00,000
Six Lakhs
3rd Year
1st 6Months 1500*500=7,50,000
2nd 6Month 2000*500=10,00,000
4th Year[not doubling Quantity, being Conservative!]
1st 6Months 3000*500=15,00,000
2nd 6Months 4000*500=20,00,000
5th Year [not doubling Quantity,being conservative]
1st 6Months 4000*500=20,00,000
2nd 6Monts 4000*500=20,00,000
Total 1.5+6+17.5+35+40=OneCrore!
It needs lots of Patience & Discipline !
95% are loosers, why, only attitude,Failing to plan is planning to fail !
Plan already started from July 2011.
July= +90
Aug= +290
Sep= +30
Oct= +122
Nov= +148
Dec= +40
Total = +720
We did only one lot being too conservative,[Profit being,36,000], Now from Jan 2012 onwards, lot size increased to 2 Lots upto June !
A small story:
A watchman made a great Penance, God appeared before him & ready to give him 2 offers.
Then watchman wanted his 1st desire, A Great Building,the bricks & all other contents reg the building should be made up of Silver,Gold,Platinum Diamonds only. Granted !
his 2nd desire, he wants to be a Watchman of that ExtraordinaryBuilding !
YathBhavamTatbhavathi !
As you think,so you are !
Everything is Created twice ! First within, then without !
If u want to be a watchman,you can be.
If u want to be a Crorepathy,Yes you can be.
Can we make One Crore from just a RiskCapital of Rs 25,000/- in 5Years.
Let us presume that we can earn 500 NiftyOPTION points[positional] in 6Months,
means 85 points per Month[EasiestPossibility !]
Let us double the Quantity every 6Months starting with
as low as 100[2Lots,Practically Possible !]
Now see the plan,
1st Year
1st 6Months 100*500=Rs50,000
2nd 6Months 200*500=1,00,000
One Lakh Fifty Thousand
Take ur Investment back with thirtythousand profit also !
Now totally RiskFree !
2nd year
1st 6Months 400*500=2,00,000
2nd 6Months 800*500=4,00,000
Six Lakhs
3rd Year
1st 6Months 1500*500=7,50,000
2nd 6Month 2000*500=10,00,000
4th Year[not doubling Quantity, being Conservative!]
1st 6Months 3000*500=15,00,000
2nd 6Months 4000*500=20,00,000
5th Year [not doubling Quantity,being conservative]
1st 6Months 4000*500=20,00,000
2nd 6Monts 4000*500=20,00,000
Total 1.5+6+17.5+35+40=OneCrore!
It needs lots of Patience & Discipline !
95% are loosers, why, only attitude,Failing to plan is planning to fail !
Plan already started from July 2011.
July= +90
Aug= +290
Sep= +30
Oct= +122
Nov= +148
Dec= +40
Total = +720
We did only one lot being too conservative,[Profit being,36,000], Now from Jan 2012 onwards, lot size increased to 2 Lots upto June !