Wednesday, 31 December 2014


"This and only this can be the New Year's resolution: I resolve never to make any resolutions because all resolutions are restrictions for the future. All resolutions are imprisonments. You decide today for tomorrow? You have destroyed tomorrow.
Allow the tomorrow to have its own being. Let it COME in its own way! Let it bring its own gifts.
Resolution means you will allow only this and you will not allow that. Resolution means you would like the sun to rise in the west and not in the east. If it rises in the east, you will not open your windows; you will keep your windows open to the west.
What is resolution? Resolution is struggle. Resolution is ego. Resolution is saying, "I cannot live spontaneously." And if you cannot live spontaneously, you don't live at all — you only pretend.
So let only one resolution be there: I will never make any resolutions. Drop all resolutions! Let life be a natural spontaneity.
The only golden rule is that there are no golden rules."
OSHO, Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind, Chapter #5 - Fri, 5 January 1978, am in Buddha Hall

Facing An Insult !!!

Buddha was passing through a village and the people came and they insulted him. And they used all the insulting words that they could use – all the bad words that they knew.
Buddha stood there, listened silently, very attentively, and then said, 'Thank you for coming to me, but I am in a hurry. 
I have to reach the next village, people will be waiting for me there. I cannot devote more time to you today, but tomorrow coming back I will have more time. You can gather again, and tomorrow if something is left which you wanted to say and have not been able to say, you can say it to me. But today, excuse me.'
Those people could not believe their ears, their eyes: this man has remained utterly unaffected, undistracted. One of them asked, 'Have you not heard us? We have been abusing you like anything, and you have not even answered!'
Buddha said, 'If you wanted an answer then you have come too late. You should have come ten years ago, then I would have answered you. But for these ten years I have stopped being manipulated by others. I am no longer a slave, I am my own master. I act according to myself, not according to anybody else. I act according to my inner need. You cannot force me to do anything. It's perfectly good:you wanted to abuse me, you abused me! Feel fulfilled. You have done your work perfectly well. But as far as I am concerned, I don't take your insults, and unless I take them, they are meaningless.'
When somebody insults you, you have to become a receiver, you have to accept what he says; only then can you react. But if you don't accept, if you simply remain detached, if you keep the distance, if you remain cool, what can he do?
Buddha said, 'Somebody can throw a burning torch into the river. It will remain alight till it reaches the river. The moment it falls into the river, all fire is gone – the river cools it.
I have become a river. You throw abuses at me. They are fire when you throw them, but the moment they reach me, in my coolness, their fire is lost. They no longer hurt. You throw thorns – falling in my silence they become flowers. I act out of my own intrinsic nature.'
~ Osho
Excerpt from - The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Talk #10

Be happy NOW Here !

No Old Year !No New Year !

Everyday is a  New Begining   that never gets Old !

Be happy in being Now  here ! Because no where you will get it !

Sunday, 28 December 2014


In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there. Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core. [...]

I became enlightened without any master, so there cannot be any problem for you. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. The master is not a must. It has become a must because you are so lethargic, because you are so unwilling to move towards ecstasy, because you are so attached to the ways of sorrow and anguish."
Ecstasy - The Forgotten Language, Chapter #10 - 20 December 1976 am in Buddha Hall
full answer


"One of the most basic laws of life has to be understood.
Life is based on polarity; everything exists with its polar opposite. Otherwise is not possible. [...]
Remember this: Whenever you are depressed, wait for the moment that the depression goes.
Nothing lasts forever; the depression will go. And when it leaves you, wait — be aware and alert — because after the depression, after the night, there will be a dawn and the sun will rise. If you can be alert in that moment. you will he happy that you were depressed. You will be grateful that you are depressed because only through your depression was this moment of happiness possible. But what do we do? We move in an infinite regression. We get depressed. Then we get depressed because of the depression: a second depression follows. If you are depressed, that's okay! — nothing is wrong in it. It is beautiful because through it you will learn and mature. But then you feel badly, "Why do I get depressed? I should not get depressed." Then you start fighting with the depression. The first depression is good, but the second depression is unreal. And this unreal depression will cloud your mind. You will miss the moment that would have followed the real depression.
When depressed, be depressed. Simply be depressed. Don't get depressed about your depression.
When depressed, simply be depressed. Don't fight it, don't create any diversion, don't force it to go.
Just allow it to happen; it will go by itself. Life is a flux; nothing remains the same. You are not needed; the river moves by itself, you don't have to push it. If you are trying to push it, you are simply foolish. The river flows by itself. Allow it to flow.
When depression is there, allow it to be. Don't get depressed about it. If you want to remove it sooner, you will get depressed. If you fight it, you will create a secondary depression that is dangerous. The first depression is beautiful, God-given. The second depression is your own. It is not God-given; it is mental. Then you will move in mental grooves. They are infinite.
If you get depressed, be happy that you are depressed and allow the depression to be. Then suddenly the depression will disappear and there will be a breakthrough. No clouds will be there and the sky will be clear. For a single moment, heaven opens for you. If you are not depressed about your depression you can contact, you can commune, you can enter this heavenly gate. And once you know it, you have learned one of the ultimate laws of life: that life uses the opposite as a teacher, as a back-ground."
OSHO, The New Alchemy - To Turn You On, Chapter #8 - Fri, 10 April 1973 am in Bikaner Palace Hotel

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Man - Woman

Woman has a balanced biology; her chemistry is equally balanced.
Man has a biology which is a little unbalanced: one part is heavier and the other part is a little lighter, and that creates an inner tension in him.
That's why more men go mad than women, more men commit suicide than women, more men commit murder than women.
And if you look at the world you will see it, is dominated by man for the simple reason that the woman is not interested in dominating; there is no need -- she feels a certain kind of fulfillment in her innermost core.
Man is always rushing, going somewhere, always on the go.
All men are American, tourists!
They cannot be here now.
And it starts even in the womb.
An experienced mother who has given birth to one or two children knows perfectly well after a few months whether inside the womb there is a boy or a girl.
The boy starts kicking, he starts becoming an Alexander the Great! The girl remains quiet, at ease, meditative; she does not create much disturbance.
It is because of this that woman was easily dominated by man. It is not because of the superiority of man, it is not because of his power, that he was able to dominate the woman, it is just the opposite.
The woman is superior in many ways, and because man suffers from inferiority he had to dominate the woman; only then could he get rid of a little bit of his inferiority.
Man has dominated the whole of history, he has in every possible way tried to enslave the woman.
But he has not been successful: on the surface it may look as if he has succeeded, but each husband knows perfectly well that the moment he enters the home he is no longer the
lion that he pretends to be on the outside.
He suddenly becomes a dog, a poor dog, with its tail between its legs!
Chapter 5 - Perfectly imperfect
The Goose is Out

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Religion -Sin

Sin is a technique of the pseudo-religions.
A true religion has no need of the concept at all.
The pseudo-religion cannot live without the concept of sin, because sin is the technique of creating guilt in people.
You will have to understand the whole strategy of sin and guilt.
Unless you make a person feel guilty, you cannot enslave him psychologically. It is impossible to imprison him in a certain ideology,a certain belief system.
But once you have created guilt in his mind, you have taken all that is courageous in him. You have destroyed all that is adventurous in him. You have repressed all possibility of his ever being an individual in his own right.
With the idea of guilt, you have almost murdered the human potential in him.
He can never be independent.
The guilt will force him to be dependent on a messiah, on a religious teaching, on God, on the concepts of heaven and hell, and the whole lot.
To create guilt, all that you need is a very simple thing: start calling mistakes, errors – Sins.
They are simply mistakes, human. Now, if somebody commits a mistake in mathematics – two plus two, and he concludes it makes five – you don’t say he has committed a sin.
He is unalert, he is not paying
attention to what he is doing. He is unprepared, he has not done his homework.
He is certainly committing a mistake, but a mistake is not a sin. It can be corrected. A mistake does not make him feel guilty.
At the most it makes him feel foolish.
What the pseudo-religions have done – and all the religions of the world have been pseudo-religions up to now – is to have exploited mistakes, errors, which are absolutely human, and condemned them as sin.
Sin means it is not a simple mistake: you have gone against God; that’s the meaning of the word sin.

People think that they are miserable because they have committed sins in the past; that is not true.
By being miserable they are
committing the sin right now,
and if you cannot start being happy you become virtuous because a happy person cannot harm.
Only a sad person can harm, only a sad person becomes a sadist: only a miserable person starts looking for other’s misery.
And a miserable person wants everybody to be miserable; only then does he feel good, comparatively.
If he sees that everybody is miserable, then he can relax; then he can say ’So I’m not wrong in some way; this is how things are’.
A happy person creates a happy world around him because happiness can exist only when there are many people happy.
It cannot exist alone like an island.
If you want to be happy you would have to make your husband happy, your children happy, your mother, your father happy, your
neighbourhood,otherwise it will be impossible because we are related with everybody.
A happy person learns one basic thing: that you can remain happy if you create a happy world around you... and that’s what virtue is

From Unconciousness to Consciousness

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

When to make Decision !

Never decide anything when you are in the negative phase,that’s all.
Never decide anything when you are in the negative phase and then you will never repent; there will be no need to repent.
Decision has to be made only when one is in a positive phase.
Mm, just as you decide in the day not in the night when you are deep asleep – then you don’t decide –
Always decide when you are happy,open, flowing.
Then your decisions will be right; you cannot decide wrongly, it is impossible to be wrong in those moments.
When you are negative, withdrawn, sad, depressed, remember only one
No Decision. Let this pass. Accept it – it is part of nature – but don’t decide in these moments.
The Lucky people are those who have learned the knack of deciding in the positive moment, and Unlucky are those who have somehow fallen into the trap of deciding in the negative moment.
That is the only difference between the lucky and the unlucky.
And anybody can become lucky. It is just a change, just a small change.
It is a very little difference, but it makes a lot of difference in life –
The Difference that makes the Difference.

Don’t Look Before You Leap

Thursday, 18 December 2014

God is busy

What else can you possess?

The fool lives around the idea of "my" and "mine": my nation, my religion, my race, my family, my wealth, my children, my parents...he lives around "my" and "mine."
And he has come alone and he will go alone; nobody brings anything into the world and nobody takes anything from the world. Alone, empty-handed we come; alone, emptyhanded we go.
The wise knows it; hence the wise claims nothing a "mine."
He uses things, but he does not possess them. Using is perfectly good -- use all the things of the world, they ARE for you.
The world is a gift from God -- use it, but don't possess it.
The moment you become a possessor, you cannot use things -- the things start using you.
The moment you become a possessor, in fact you are possessed by your things, you become a slave.
And the very idea of possessing is stupid.
How can you possess anything?
You don't even possess your own being.
What else can you possess?
You are not even a master of yourself.
The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS

Do you know that nearly 35% of Indian women suffer from Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? When a woman's hormonal balance is
destroyed she suffers not only from infertility but also have
weight gain, acne, hair loss or even excessive hair growth. She may
also be easily prone to Insulin Resistance, high blood pressure and
cholesterol, and heart disease.
If you are a PCOS patient next to taking medications you also need
to watch what you eat in order to prevent unwanted weight gain and
resultant problems. But how will you know what to eat and what not
to? That's what we are here for! Here are a few healthy diet tips
for PCOS patients to follow.
1# A big yes to healthy fats. Olive oil, coconut oil and ghee can
be used in moderation. Unsaturated oils like flaxseed oil, olive
oil, macadamia oils and walnut oil are great. Enjoy stir fried
vegetables and fresh salads in these oils. Also take Omega 3 fish
2# No to refined and starchy carbs. Reduce white flour, bread,
pasta etc. Cut down potatoes and sugars. Since research says that
higher intake of whole grains may reduce insulin sensitivity, cut
down on whole grains a bit. Women with irregular periods are
advised 40% carbs while those with regular periods may limit it
within 50%. Take non starchy vegetables, fruits with more of
berries. Fruits should always be accompanied by proteins!
3# Eggs, nuts, and lean meat (fish and chicken) will ensure healthy
proteins. Dairy products should be limited.
4# Low glycemic foods like soya, linseed, green peas, carrots,
eggplant, broccoli, beans, cauliflower, lettuce, mushrooms, sweet
corns, sweet potatoes, lentils are advised.
5# And, finally, the mantra,"drink more water". Water regulates
your hormonal levels by eliminating the excess hormones.
Keep in mind that according to experts losing even 5% of the body
weight will be helpful to PCOS patients. 
I hope this helps. 

 Wishing you good health,

Saturday, 29 November 2014

What has your love done to you?

Dreams and dreams and dreams.
And dreams are only when you look at your love somewhere there in the future, then it is a dream. When you look back at the love that has happened, then it is a nightmare.
All dreams prove nightmares. No, this is not love,otherwise the whole earth would have been happy.
So many people loving, everybody is loving...the mother is loving, the father is loving, the son, the sister, the brother, the wife, the husband, the friend, the priest, the politician, everybody is loving to everybody, love must be so much....
But look into people’s eyes – there is only misery and nothing else.
Then something has gone wrong,something else has been named love. It is not love.
On the container it says’love’, but look into the content: jealousy, possessiveness, anger, hatred, domination, all ugly things are there.
Yes, the container is very beautiful, very well packed, like a Christmas gift. Open... and inside, just hell.
This love I am not talking about.
When you go inside your being a totally new energy arises. You have so much energy that you would like to share it, then love is a SHARING.
Then you don’t need love, then you are not in need of somebody to love you. For the first time you have possessed your treasure of love; and a new need arises to share it, to give it to whomsoever needs it.
Share it and give it.
When love is a need and you want somebody to love you, it is going to create misery.
It is a beggar’s love, and beggars can’t be happy. When love has been known – and that is only possible
when you move inwards and come to the innermost shrine of your being
When you have known the reservoir of love there, then a new need arises to share it, to give it,to whomsoever needs it.
Give it, and you feel thankful that somebody has taken it. Then there is happiness, then love is heaven.
But then a need has taken a radical turn: now you need to give.
Right now, you need somebody to give to you – you are a beggar. Then, you become an emperor. The inner discipline makes you an emperor.
Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1
— with Biplab Kumar Dutta and Krishna Prasad Dhakal.

Friday, 28 November 2014


I have heard an anecdote:
A man was saying to his woman, ”Why has God made you women so beautiful?”
The woman said,
”So that you men can fall in love with us.”
The man then said, ”Then why did he make you so stupid?”
And the woman said, ”So that we can also fall in love with you.”
But in reality, stupidity has no sex. It is found in all kinds and all shapes and all sizes.
Take It Easy, Vol 2

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Remember:Never be attached.

Now, even the so-called religious people are very much attached.
If a Hindu passes by a church, he does not bow down to the church – his God does not live there.
If he passes by a Hindu temple, he immediately bows down with such reverence. But his reverence is false, pseudo; his reverence is impotent.
If the reverence was real then why didn’t it happen when he was passing by a mosque or a church or a gurudwara?
God is everywhere. Why this confinement?
Does God only exist in a Hindu temple? Then God is a prisoner.
Because people are prisoners, their gods have also become prisoners.
The reverence is not true, it has not happened yet: it is just an empty gesture. If he has come to see the beauty, the existence of God, then he will bow down everywhere, anywhere – wherever he has an occasion to bow down, he will not miss the opportunity.
He will bow down beside a rosebush, because God has happened as a rose. And he will bow down to a child who is giggling, because it is God and nobody else who is giggling.
Real reverence has nothing to do with the OBJECT of reverence. Real reverence is something inside you, flowing.
Don’t be attached to the things of the world, and don’t be attached to the things of the other world,because things are things. It makes no difference whether they are of this world or the other world
Attachment is the problem.
Take It Easy, Vol 2

Nifty Position

70. Long 8140. -36 [12 Sep 2014]
71. Short 8104. -36 [15 Sep 2014]
       Booked profit 8024. +80 [16 Sep 2014]
72. Long 8045  SL 7970 pass. -75 [30 Sep 2014]
73. Short 8445  [19 Nov 2014]
74. Long 8400. +45   [19 Nov 2014]
75. Short 8385. -15  [20 Nov 2014]
76. Long 8400. -15 [20 Nov2014]
      Booked Profit 8490. +90 [21 Nov 2014]
77.Long 8465 SL pass 8440. -25 [25 Nov 2014]
78.Long 8450 TSL pass 8465. +15 [27 Nov 2014]

Cumulative Profit [Positional, Starting from Jan 2nd] 140+24-30+33-39-35+271+37+13+64-41+80-55+200-80-73-69+144-60-5+4+54+60+400+184+134+375+60-25+35-43-38-13-43+125-15+13+93-20+100-25-65+47-23+170-77-45-8-43-15+25-1-40+5+10-10-40+100-18+5-65+72-11-15-51-16+19-22-36-36+80-70+45-15-15+90-25+15 = +1876

Saturday, 22 November 2014


There is no way for me to get frustrated. You cannot do anything that can make me frustrated, because frustration happens only when there is expectation. I don’t expect anything.
I have no expectations from anybody. I accept you the way you are. If I have some expectations
then, of course, in the wake frustration is bound to happen.
I accept you as you are because for me you are all enlightened.
What more can happen?
There is nothing more. As far as I am concerned, all that has to happen has already happened.
Now it is up to you how long you want to go on playing the games – the games of hide-and-seek. 
It is up to you! If you are enjoying it, why should I get frustrated? If you are not frustrated,
who am I to be frustrated with your games? It’s perfectly okay!
In fact, I enjoy and giggle. Seeing you falling in the same ditch again, 
I am amazed!
There is a Persian saying: Man is the only animal who can fall in the same ditch again.
Even donkeys will avoid it! You cannot force a donkey to fall in the same ditch again – he will resist, he will fight,he will protest, because he Knows the ditch, he has suffered it. It is only man.... Man is a strange animal, the most absurd of all the animals.
And this is a zoo!
I call it Buddha Hall, but as far as you are concerned it is Noah’s Ark! All kinds of animals are here. And when one is in a zoo one enjoys. In fact, I am the only person who is enjoying it to the full!
You are unconscious.
How can I be frustrated with you? Whatsoever you are doing is bound to happen. Nothing else is possible right now unless you become
Guida Spirituale

Friday, 21 November 2014

Booked profit 8490 +90

61. Short 7977.  [28 Aug 2014]
62. Long 8042. -65 [1 Sep 2014]
63. Short 8114. +72 [4 Sep 2014]
64. Long 8125. -11 [4 Sep 2014]
65. Short 8110. -15 [5 Sep 2014]  
66. Long 8161. -51 [8 Sep 2014] 
67. Short 8145. -16 [10 Sep 2014]
68. Long 8126. +19 [11 Sep 2014]
69. Short 8104. -22 [12 Sep 2014]
70. Long 8140. -36 [12 Sep 2014]
71. Short 8104. -36 [15 Sep 2014]
       Booked profit 8024. +80 [16 Sep 2014]
72. Long 8045  SL 7970 pass. -75 [30 Sep 2014]
73. Short 8445  [19 Nov 2014]
74. Long 8400. +45   [19 Nov 2014]
75. Short 8385. -15  [20 Nov 2014]
76. Long 8400. -15 [20 Nov2014]
      Booked Profit 8490. +90 [21 Nov 2014]

Cumulative Profit [Positional, Starting from Jan 2nd] 140+24-30+33-39-35+271+37+13+64-41+80-55+200-80-73-69+144-60-5+4+54+60+400+184+134+375+60-25+35-43-38-13-43+125-15+13+93-20+100-25-65+47-23+170-77-45-8-43-15+25-1-40+5+10-10-40+100-18+5-65+72-11-15-51-16+19-22-36-36+80-70+45-15-15+90 = +1886

Don't be silly about your money: 5 mistakes to avoid

Have you ever felt bad about your financial decisions? Building up a huge credit card bill and not repaying it for months, or taking a personal loan and not making regular payments towards it, are some of the common, and more apparent, money mistakes we make. Then there are those that we make unintentionally or due to ignorance. Efficient use of money involves understanding money as well as your spending behaviour. Here are five errors that you could, and should, avoid.
Being investment-shy
Holding excess cash means letting the value of money deplete over time. Factors such as inflation eat into it. Money lying idle in the bank account doesn’t mean that you are doing well. It needs to be diverted towards investments.
If you do decide to invest, don’t be too conservative; you will lose out on returns. Looking only at products that give guaranteed returns of, say, 8% or 9%, is a mistake that many of us make as we are trying to protect our capital. Fixed deposits (FD), for instance, are popular. But investors forget that even though this instrument returns, say, 8.75%, taxes and inflation will reduce this.
The need to protect capital comes from fear of taking risk. But risk is not a negative term. “Many investors don’t understand risk. The fear of capital erosion makes many people invest only in fixed income, and they lose out on returns in better products,” said Suresh Sadagopan, a Mumbai-based financial planner.
Not factoring in time value of money
Would you prefer `1 lakh today or `1.2 lakh after three years? The correct answer is `1 lakh today, because of time value of money. There are two things you need to consider: the interest you can earn and the rate of inflation; in other words, the change in purchasing power of your money. Say, you invest `1 lakh in a three-year FD with annual compounding at 8.75% per annum. You will get `1,29,650. But after taking into account inflation of, say, 6%, the real return will be only 2.59%, and that’s without factoring in tax.
One-income strategy
You may have a job and get paid regularly. But is that income enough? In most cases, it’s not. Investing helps generate additional income in the form of dividend, compounding interest or capital gains.
By investing regularly you can tap into the benefit of compounding interest, which essentially means you earn returns on the returns. For instance, say, you invested `1 lakh in an FD at 10% per annum for 10 years. If you don’t withdraw and let the returns be re-invested every year, in 10 years, you will get `2.6 lakh. But if you withdraw the interest, at the end of 10 years, all you will get is the capital `1 lakh, and `1 lakh in interest over the period (`10,000*10)—that’s a total of `2 lakh.
The earlier you start, more is the compounding benefit you get. You can get compounding interest benefit in both equity and fixed income products.
Favouring realty or gold
Buying only real estate, or buying a house that’s bigger than needed, is another common mistake. Many people believe that real estate delivers handsome returns and put in all their savings in realty. Another misplaced belief is that real estate will come in handy in an emergency.
In reality, real estate is an illiquid asset. It’s difficult to buy and to sell. Plus, there are legal issues, loan burden, delay in construction, and other problems to contend with.
While calculating returns on real estate, don’t simply look at the initial investment and the maturity amount. One must also factor in costs such as brokerage, stamp duty, registration fee, interest paid on borrowed capital, maintenance and repair costs, and municipal taxes.
Buying an overly large apartment for self-use is also a burden that should be avoided. For one, it means a home loan and commensurate instalments for a space that you won’t fully utilize. There will also be the added hassle of paying maintenance bills.
Similarly, many people look at gold jewellery as an investment product when, in reality, making charges drastically reduce the real returns. Buy jewellery only for the purpose of ornamentation, not investment.
Fearing debt
Debt is not bad, as long as you use it to buy assets, for example, taking a home loan. It hurts only when you overstretch or take it for instant gratification. For instance, using a credit card and then not paying the dues. Banks charge 22-44% interest annually on credit card dues. “Don’t over-leverage debt; avoid taking debt for unproductive consumption. For instance, living on credit cards without the discipline of paying monthly bills can put you into a debt trap,” said Sadagopan.
If your fear of debt comes from the concern that your near and dear ones will have to take on the burden of repayment in your absence, insurance could be the answer.
“You can take home loan insurance, for example. If you die before the loan is paid off, the insurer would pay the outstanding amount to the loan provider and your nominees will retain the house. Broadly, a cover for a `1 crore loan over 10 years will come for a one-time premium of `2 lakh-2.5 lakh,” said Kapil Mehta, managing director, SecureNow Insurance Broker Pvt. Ltd. If you foreclose the home loan, the insurance company refunds a certain percentage of the premium, he added.
Understand yourself, your money and where it is going. “Don’t copy products that your friends have bought. Build your own portfolio. Spend time in understanding investments. If you don’t want to get conned, sit down and understand the terms and conditions of a product before investing,” said Sadagopan. Ditch the fear of jargon and spend time understanding investment products that you want to buy. It’s the only way forward.