Friday, 31 July 2015


It happened once, a zen master was celebrating his master’s birthday.
The master had died. Somebody asked him, Why are you celebrating? –because as far as I know, the master denied you.
He never accepted you as his disciple. You tried long, that I know. You tried again and again, that I know, but every time you were refused.
You were never initiated by him.
So why are you celebrating his birthday? Traditionally it is to be celebrated only by the accepted disciples.
’ The master laughed and he said, ’Precisely because he refused me, I celebrate.
Now I can understand his compassion.
If he had accepted me, I may have become just an imitator.
Because he threw me into myself continuously, by and by I stood on my own feet.
By and by I dropped the desperate search to cling to somebody else.
He helped me.
He was my master.
In his rejection he accepted me.’
But this is illogical. But still, if you look through the eyes of a poet, through the eyes of a lover, you can understand it.
Intellectually it will be difficult, but if you are intelligent it is a simple fact.
Sometimes, to deny is to give.. Sometimes, to reject is to accept.. Sometimes, not to help is the only way to help....
Nirvana The Last nightmare..


Thursday, 23 July 2015


Bertrand Russell has made a very important statement: "If there is no poverty, there will be no religion. Whom are you going to serve?"
If there is no death, all churches, all religions will become absolutely useless, invalid, out of date.
They are surviving because of poverty, because of death, because of disease, because of orphans. That's why they are all against birth control -- because birth control can destroy all poverty, and all the orphans can be stopped from coming into the world.
What will happen to poor Mother Teresa? Who will give her a Nobel Prize?
Orphans are absolutely needed, otherwise Mother Teresas will disappear. Poverty is needed, that's why they go on continuously being against all birth control methods.
It has nothing to do with God -- they need the poor people, because their religion teaches them that if you serve the poor, if you open hospitals for the poor, if you open schools for the poor, you are earning a great bank balance in paradise.
This is not unselfishness. Who says it is unselfish? It is more selfish than anything else you can find in the world -- a motivation to exploit poor people, people who have fallen into the well, people who are dying, people who are sick, people who are orphans.
You are taking great advantage.
All religions say that you will have great pleasures in heaven; beautiful women will be available to all the saints who have done virtuous acts. Strange ...
Here you talk about celibacy, and in all the paradises of all the religions, celibacy is no longer applicable. Do you see the contradiction?
If a man has been celibate here for sixty, seventy years, he will become habitually a celibate. Then he goes into heaven and finds beautiful girls .... They remain always at the age sixteen; through eternity, they have never grown up. They don't perspire, they don't need any deodorant; their breath does not smell, they don't need any mouthwash. It seems they are made of plastic.
No perspiration? -- do you know the meaning of it?
Christianity The Deadliest Poison, The Sword And The Lotus

All good things in life are not for sinners alone !

To me, this phenomenon seems to be very symbolic. All our
imprisonments, sentences, death sentences, our tortures,
have been futile; they have not changed a single man. They
cannot because a man is a configuration of so many
natural forces. Just by punishing, you cannot change that

configuration. A man is such a deep-rooted phenomenon
that just by beating him you cannot change his

And really, this has been a very long game, very futile
because the person who is beating is of the same type.
Policemen and thieves, they belong to the same category.
Murderers and judges, they belong to the same category.

They are just standing on opposite poles but their quality of
consciousness is similar. One is committing a sin against
the society; another is committing a sin for the society.

If you murder someone you will be murdered by the society
and a murder by the society is not a sin. How can you
change murder by murder? How can you change violence by
violence? You increase it; you double it.
You can take
revenge but you cannot change anything.
The Upanishads say that when you come to the innermost
core of being and become alert, totally alert about what has
happened, then you know it was prakriti – nature – which
was doing all. You have always been a witness – the
The deepest philosophy in India has been samkhya, and
samkhya says all activity belongs to nature; only
consciousness belongs to you. All activity, virtuous or sinful
– all activity – belongs to nature. To you belongs only

consciousness. Attain consciousness, become one with that,
and all sins will be destroyed and you will be established in
From The Supreme Doctrine, Chapter 17

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Hugging !

When you love a person just verbal expressions are not enough, words are not enough; something more substantial is needed; words are only abstract. 
You have to do something! Hold the hand, hug the person, kiss the person, embrace the person. It is going to help you both: if you can melt in the hug you both will become again younger, fresher, livelier. 
And that’s the whole process of healing. Prem Amida, analysis is the way of the mind, hugging is the way of the heart. The mind is the cause of all diseases and the heart is the source of all healing.
O S H O 
"The Wild Geese and the Water"


Saturday, 18 July 2015



Man, naturally, should be a vegetarian, because the whole body is made for vegetarian food. Even scientists concede to the fact that the whole structure of the human body shows that man should not be a non-vegetarian. Man comes from the monkeys. Monkeys are vegetarians, absolute vegetarians. If Darwin is true then man should be a vegetarian.
Now there are ways to judge whether a certain species of animal is vegetarian or non-vegetarian: it depends on the intestine, the length of the intestine. Non-vegetarian animals have a very small intestine. Tigers, lions – they have a very small intestine, because meat is already a digested food. It does not need a long intestine to digest it. The work of digestion has been done by the animal. Now you are eating the animal’s meat. It is already digested – no long intestine is needed. Man has one of the longest intestines: that means man is a vegetarian. A long digestion is needed, and much excreta will be there which has to be thrown out.
If man is not a non-vegetarian and he goes on eating meat, the body is burdened. In the East, all the great meditators – Buddha, Mahavir – have emphasized the fact. Not because of any concept of nonviolence – that is a secondary thing – but because if you really want to move in deep meditation your body needs to be weightless, natural, flowing. Your body needs to be unloaded; and a non-vegetarian’s body is very loaded.
Just watch what happens when you eat meat: when you kill an animal what happens to the animal when he is killed? Of course, nobody wants to be killed. Life wants to prolong itself; the animal is not dying willingly. If somebody kills you, you will not die willingly. If a lion jumps on you and kills you, what will happen to your mind? The same happens when you kill a lion. Agony, fear, death, anguish, anxiety, anger, violence, sadness – all these things happen to the animal. All over his body violence, anguish, agony spreads. The whole body becomes full of toxins, poisons. All the body glands release poisons because the animal is dying very unwillingly. And then you eat the meat; that meat carries all the poisons that the animal has released. The whole energy is poisonous. Then those poisons are carried in your body.
That meat which you are eating belonged to an animal body. It had a specific purpose there. A specific type of consciousness existed in the animal’s body. You are on a higher plane than the animal’s consciousness, and when you eat the animal’s meat your body goes to the lowest plane, to the lower plane of the animal. Then there exists a gap between your consciousness and your body, and a tension arises and anxiety arises.
One should eat things which are natural, natural for you. Fruits, nuts, vegetables – eat as much as you can. The beauty is that you cannot eat more of these things than is needed. Whatsoever is natural always gives you a satisfaction, because it satiates your body, saturates you. You feel fulfilled. If some thing is unnatural it never gives you a feeling of fulfillment. Go on eating ice cream: you never feel that you are satiated. In fact the more you eat, the more you feel like eating. It is not a food. Your mind is being tricked. Now you are not eating according to the body need; you are eating just to taste it. The tongue has become the controller.
The tongue should not be the controller. It does not know anything about the stomach. It does not know anything about the body. The tongue has a specific purpose to fulfill: to taste food. Naturally, the tongue has to judge, that is the only thing, which food is for the body, for my body and which food is not for my body. It is just a watchman on the door; it is not the master, and if the watchman on the door becomes the master, then everything will be confused.
Now advertisers know well that the tongue can be tricked, the nose can be tricked. And they are not the masters. You may not be aware: much food research goes on in the world, and they say if your nose is closed completely, and your eyes closed, and then you are given an onion to eat, you cannot tell what you are eating. You cannot tell onion from apple if the nose is closed completely because half of the taste comes from the smell, is decided by the nose, and half is decided by the tongue. These two have become the controllers. Now they know: whether ice cream is nutritious or not is not the point. It can carry a flavour, it can carry some chemicals which fulfil the tongue but are not needed for the body.
Man is confused, more confused than buffaloes. You cannot convince buffaloes to eat ice cream. Try!
A natural food...and when I say natural I mean that which your body needs. The need of a tiger is different; he has to be very violent. If you eat the meat of a tiger you will be violent, but where will your violence be expressed? You have to live in human society, not in a jungle. Then you will have to suppress the violence. Then a vicious circle starts.
When you suppress violence, what happens? When you feel angry, violent, a certain poisonous energy is released, because that poison creates a situation where you can be really violent and kill somebody. The energy moves towards your hands; the energy moves towards your teeth. These are the two places from where animals become violent. Man is part of the animal kingdom.
When you are angry, energy is released – it comes to the hands and to the teeth, to the jaw – but you live in a human society and it is not always profitable to be angry. You live in a civilized world and you cannot behave like an animal. If you behave like an animal, you will have to pay too much for it – and you are not ready to pay that much. Then what do you do? You suppress the anger in the hand; you suppress the anger in your teeth – you go on smiling a false smile, and your teeth go on accumulating anger.
I have rarely come to see people with a natural jaw. It is not natural – blocked, stiff – because there is too much anger. If you press the jaw of a person, the anger can be released. Hands become ugly. They lose grace, they lose flexibility, because too much anger is suppressed there. People who have been working on deep massage, they have come to know that when you touch the hands deeply, massage the hands, the person starts becoming angry. There is no reason. You are massaging the man and suddenly he starts feeling angry. If you press the jaw, persons become angry again. They carry accumulated anger. These are the impurities in the body: they have to be released. If you don’t release them the body will remain heavy. “

The Essence of Yoga, Talk #5

Observe it !

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Just drop the whole load

I have told you a story in Ramakrishna’s life…
A man had gathered ten thousand golden rupees. And at that time, the rupee was really gold; the word ‘rupee’ simply means gold. And this was his desire – that one day when they were ten thousand, he would offer them to Ramakrishna, of course, to gain virtue in the other life. When small donations are given and people are getting great virtues… for ten thousand gold pieces you can purchase even God’s own house!
He went, dropped his bags of golden coins, and told Ramakrishna, “I want to offer them to you.
Please accept them.”
Ramakrishna was a strange man. Ordinarily, a traditional sannyasin would not have accepted.
He would have said, “I have renounced the world, I cannot accept.” But Ramakrishna was not a conventional type. He said, “Okay, I accept. Now do me a favor.”
The man said, “I am at your feet. Whatever you want.”
“Take all these coins to the Ganges” – which was just behind the temple where Ramakrishna lived – “and drop all the coins into the Ganges.”
The man could not believe it. “What kind of… ten thousand gold pieces?” But now he cannot say that this is not right, he has already lost possession of them. Now they belong to Ramakrishna, and Ramakrishna is saying, “Go and drop them. Just do me a favor.”
Hesitantly, reluctantly, the man went. Hours passed. Ramakrishna said, “What happened to that man? He should have come back within five minutes.”
So Ramakrishna sent a sannyasin to look for him….
The man had gathered a big crowd. He was first checking each golden coin on a stone, and then he would throw them one by one. And people were jumping into the Ganges and collecting, and it had become a great show, and the man was enjoying.
When informed, Ramakrishna said, “That man is an idiot. Just tell him: when you are collecting something you can count them, but when you are throwing, what is the point of wasting time? Just drop the whole load.”
Ramakrishna was, in a simple way, indicating that when you are dropping your conditioning, your mental conceptions, your beliefs, don’t drop by and by. They are all interconnected; drop them all. If you cannot drop them all in a single moment, you will not be able to drop them at all. Either now, or never.
OSHO - The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself, Ch.4, P.No.92/93

Imagination-Spiritual pride !

People go on coming to me and they say, ”We have seen this and we have seen that.” But they have imagined it – because if really they had seen, they would be transformed. But they are not transformed. They are the same persons, only now a spiritual pride is added. They have some dreams – beautiful, spiritual dreams: someone is seeing Krishna playing on his flute, someone is seeing light, someone is seeing kundalini rising. They go on seeing things, and they remain the same – mediocre, stupid, dull. Nothing has happened to them; they go on relating that this is happening, that is happening, but they remain the same – angry, sad, childish, stupid. Nothing has changed.
If you really see the light which is there waiting for you, to be seen through the third eye, you will be a different person. And then you need not tell anyone. People will come to know you are a different person. You cannot even hide it; it will be felt. Wherever you will move, others will feel thatSomething has happened to this man.”
So do not imagine; wait, and let things take their own course. You do the technique, and then wait. Do not jump ahead…
OSHO : Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1.

Life is like a Garland !

Pray Silently!

Sufis say, if you really want to pray, pray in such a way that nobody knows that you are a man of prayer. In the middle of the night when even your wife is snoring, sit silently in the bed and pray, and so silently that nobody comes to know..Don’t make a fuss.
The real man of prayer hides and prays, and the pseudo makes much noise about it. In fact, his prayer is nothing but noise; he goes to the temple shouting. In India every temple has a big bell; he rings the bell so the whole neighborhood knows. And if there are many people in the temple, then his prayer becomes very long; if there is nobody he finishes quickly. What is the point? – there is nobody to see. 
If there is a photographer, then see how prayerful he is, how his face becomes divine! If the news reporters are there then he will do REAL prayer. You will see his humbleness, his simplicity. He will fall down on the ground, he will roll on the ground, he will cry and weep – and all are crocodile tears, because when nobody is there he does not care a bit.
I have heard about a man who used to say a prayer every night to God, just one word. He would look at the sky and say, ”Ditto!” and cover himself under his blanket and go to sleep. What is the point of repeating the same thing again and again? Isn’t God intelligent enough to understand ”ditto”? Once some time he had prayed; now what is the point of repeating it again and again, the same prayer? And God knows it anyway. Just to remind him that ”I am praying” he says ”Ditto.”
Sufis say, pray in such a way that nobody knows. Why? For the simple reason that ego is very cunning. It wants to brag; it wants to brag even about religion, about spirituality, about prayer, about meditation. It wants to brag; it does not matter what it brags about. It will brag about money, it will brag about meditation, it will brag about power, it will brag about prayer. The ego wants to brag: ”I am doing something special, something great, something extraordinary. Don’t think that I am nobody – I am somebody!”
Guida Spirituale
26 August 1980 am in Buddha Hall

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Cake is delicoius ! on death bed !

I have heard about an old Zen monk. He was on his deathbed. The last day had come, and he declared that that evening he would be no more. So followers, disciples, friends started coming. He had many lovers. They all started coming. From far and wide people gathered.
One of his old disciples, when he heard that the master was going to die, ran to the market. Somebody asked: The master is dying in his hut, why are you going to the market? The old disciple said: I know that my master loves a particular type of cake, so I am going to purchase the cake.
It was difficult to find the cake, because now it had gone out of fashion, but by the evening somehow he managed. He came running with the cake. And everybody was worried – it was as if the master was waiting for someone. He would open his eyes and look, and close his eyes again. And when this disciple came, he said: Okay, so you have come. Where is the cake? The disciple produced the cake – and he was very happy that the master asked about the cake.
Dying, the master took the cake in his hand, but his hand was not trembling. He was very old, but his hand was not trembling. So somebody asked: You are so old and just on the verge of dying. The last breath is soon to leave you, but your hand is not trembling.
The master said: I never tremble, because there is no fear. My body has become old, but I am still young, and I will remain young even when the body is gone.
Then he took a bite, started munching the cake. And then somebody asked: What is your last message, Master? You will be leaving us soon. What do you want us to remember?
The master smiled and said: Ah, this cake is delicious.
This is a man who lives in the here and now: This cake is delicious. Even death is irrelevant. The next moment is meaningless. THIS moment this cake is delicious. –
Excerpted from : My Way: The Way of the White Clouds. CHAPTER 7.

Salt doll - Ocean

Life is Dynamic ! It is not dead !


A person who escapes is not really a man of understanding. His very escape shows his fear, not understanding. If you say, "How can I be happy sitting in the marketplace? How can I be silent sitting in the marketplace?" and you escape to the Himalayan silence, you are escaping from the very possibility of ever becoming silent -- because it is only in the
marketplace that the contrast exists; it is only in the marketplace that the challenge exists; it is only in the marketplace that distractions exist. And you have to overcome all those distractions.
If you escape to the Himalayas you will start feeling a little still, but at the same time a little stupid also. You will start feeling more silent, but that silence belongs to the Himalayas, not to you. Come back and your silence will be left behind -- you will come alone. And back in the world you will be even more disturbed than before, because you will have become more vulnerable, soft. And you will come with a prejudice, with this idea that you have attained to silence. You will have become more egoistic.
That's why people who have escaped to the monasteries become afraid of coming back to the world. The world is the test. The world is the criterion. And it is easier to be in the world and, by and by, grow into a silence, then the Himalayan silence comes into your being. You don't go to the Himalayas: the Himalayas themselves come to you. Then it is
something of your own, then you are the master of it.
OSHO A Sudden Clash of Thunder


You also asked about guidelines. People have been told such nonsense for centuries-as if spirituality is a kind of geography, so that maps are given to you, guidelines are provided to you: Follow the right guidelines and you will reach that goal. Alas, things are not so cheap.
There are no maps in existence; no solid guidelines either, because each individual is so unique that what may be a guideline for one may prove a distraction for another; what may be medicine to one may prove poison to another. Individuals are so different.
And if a master cannot understand the difference of individuals, their unique qualities, talents, geniuses, then who is going to understand? No general guidelines can be provided. The master simply goes on dropping all kinds of hints.
Remember my word' hints'-not guidelines. And you have to choose whatever suits you, and you have to experiment to see whether it is workable for you or not.
If it works, go deeper into it; if it does not work, don't feel guilty. You have not committed any sin, you have simply failed in an experiment. With a master, life has become a scientific experiment.
It is no more a question of heaven and hell, punishment and reward. It is a question of exploration. And each individual has to explore in his own way.
There are no golden rules: this is the only golden rule there is. There is no superhighway with milestones telling you how far you are from the goal. In the spiritual exploration, you have to walk and create your path by your walking; their is no ready-made path so that you have to simply walk on it.
Beyond Enlightenment..
October 12, 1986

Tuesday, 7 July 2015


I love an ancient Indian story:
Narada, the great Indian mystic, is going to see God. Playing on his VEENA, he passes a forest, and comes across a very old sage sitting under a tree.
The old sage says to Narada, “You are going to God — please ask one question from me. I have been making all kinds of efforts for three lives, now how much more is needed? How much longer do I have to wait? When is my liberation going to happen? You just ask him!”
Narada laughed and said, “Okay.”
As he progressed, just by the side, under another tree, a young man was dancing with his EKTARA, singing, dancing — very young. May have been only thirty. Jokingly, Narada asked the young man, “Would you also like any question to be asked of God — I am going. The old man, your neighbor, has asked.”
The young man did not reply. He continued his dance — as if he had not listened at all, as if he was not there at all.
After a few days, Narada came back. He told the old man, “I asked God. He said three lives more.”
The old man was doing his JAPA on his beads. He threw the beads. He was in a rage. He threw the scriptures that he was keeping with him, and he said, “This is absolutely unjust! Three lives more?!”
Narada moved to the young man who was again dancing, and he said, “Although you had not answered, and you had not asked, just by the way I asked God about you too. But now I am afraid — whether to tell it to you or not? Seeing the rage of the old man, I am hesitating.”
But the young man did not say anything; he continued to dance. Narada told him; “When I asked, God said, ‘Tell the young man that he will have to be born AS many times as there are leaves on the tree under which he is dancing.'”
And the young man started dancing even more ecstatically, and he said, “So fast?! There are so many trees in the world and so many leaves… only this much? Only these leaves? Only this many lives? I have already attained! When you go next, thank him.”
And it is said the man became liberated that very moment. That very moment he became liberated! If there is such test, such totality of trust, time is not needed. If there is no trust, then even three lives are not enough. And my feeling is that old man must be around somewhere on the M.G. Road! He cannot have become liberated yet. Even three lives won’t do. Such a mind can’t become liberated. Such a mind is what hell is.
Osho “The Perfect Master”

Friday, 3 July 2015

Comfort is the nature of the self !

Only speak Knowledge. Don't repeat anything that someone tells you or opinions about anyone that someone states -“That so-and-so said such-and-such about you.”

If someone comes to tell you such things, discourage them. Don't believe it.

If someone blames you directly, know that they are taking away your bad karma, and let it go. Don't believe in it, and if you're one of the Guru's close ones, you will take all of the blame of the world with a smile.

Conflict is the nature of the world; comfort is the nature of the self. Amidst the conflict seek the comfort.

ü  When you are bored with the comfort, get into the games of the world.
ü  When you are tired of the games of the world, get into the comforts of the Self.

If you are one of the Guru's close ones, you do both simultaneously. Trying to end a conflict prolongs it. Face the conflict by seeking the comfort of the Self.

God is alive in the world, and has been putting up with all the ongoing conflicts throughout the ages. If God can put up with all the conflicts, you can too. The moment you agree to be with the conflict, the conflict disappears.

People who love peace do not want to fight, and those who fight do not love peace. Those who want peace want to run away.

What is needed here is to be peaceful within and then fight.

The whole message of the Gita is to be peaceful yourself and then fight. Krishna tells Arjuna to fight but be in peace at the same time. Does this ring a bell?

In the world, you resolve one conflict and another one comes up. For example, Russia is solved and then Bosnia arises. You make one better, and then another starts up. Your body gets a cold, then you get better; then your back hurts, then it gets better. Your body gets better, and then the mind goes. The world runs like this, isn't it?

Without any intention, misunderstandings happen. It's not up to you to try to resolve them.

Ignore them and be alive.

Life consists of very small things !

Life consists of very small things.So if you become interested in so-called big things , you will be missing life.
Life consists in sipping a cup of tea, in gossiping with a friend; going for a morning walk, not going anywhere in particular, just for a walk, no goal; no end from any point you can turn back: cooking food for someone you love; cooking food for yourself, because you love your body too;washing your clothes, cleaning the floor,watering the garden-- these small things, very small things -- saying hello to a stranger,which was not needed at all because there was no question of any business with the stranger .
The man who can say hello to a stranger can say hello to a flower , to a tree , can sing a song to the birds .

Words From A Man O f No Words.

Thursday, 2 July 2015


D: Can I get knowledge of the “Self,” that is can I experience direct realization of the “Self ”?
B: Why? Who is there without a knowledge of the “Self ”? Everyone has experience of the “Self ”.
D: But I do not realize it.
B: The fact is that all the while you know the “Self ”. How can the self not know the Self. Only you, the self, have got into the habit of thinking that you are this, you are that and you are the other. It is the wrong notion that produces or constitutes viparita bhavana of the Self at present, and that is why you say you do not know the Self. What is to be done is to get rid of that wrong notion of the Self. That then clears up the Self-knowledge or Self-realization.
D: How can I get rid of that viparita bhavana? Can any ordinary man get rid of it? If so, how?
B: Yes. That is possible and is being done. There are many ways — Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Yoga, etc., are being adopted — all for the removal of this viparita bhavana.
But the main way is simple.
D: But I am ignorant of the method and of the ‘Self ’.
B: Who is ignorant of what? Ask the question and pursue the enquiry as to who it is that is said to be ignorant. Once you put the question, trying to probe into the ‘I’,the ‘I’ disappears. Then what survives is Self-knowledge or Self-realization.
D: But how to get at that? Isn’t a Guru’s help needed? Isn’t God’s help needed?
B: Why? In practice all this is adopted. But on ulti- mate enquiry, i.e., after reaching the goal, the method and means adopted are found to be themselves the goal. The Guru turns out ultimately to be God and God turns out to be your own real “Self”.
D: But isn’t the Guru’s grace or God’s grace necessary for one’s progress in the vichara? (Enquiry).
B: Yes. But the vichara that you are making is itself the Guru’s grace or God’s grace.
D: I request you to bless me with your Grace.
Crumbs from His Table

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Just watching the leaf falling? he became enlightened !

It is said about Lao Tzu that he was sitting under a tree when he became enlightened, but he was not doing anything. Buddha was meditating; Lao Tzu was not doing anything, not even meditation.
He was just sitting, and an old leaf fell from the tree, started falling, slowly, lazily, like a feather, and he watched it falling, and it settled on the ground... and he became enlightened.
Now, there was no Master, and he was not even meditating. What happened? Just watching the leaf falling? In that very moment, he must have become so tremendously aware, so absorbingly aware, that the mind stopped, there was no thought.
He simply watched the leaf falling. The leaf settled on the ground;
something settled in himself too. He was no longer the same person. The old is dead, the new is born. It is a rebirth.
And this is what I teach you too. So don’t be very calculative and arithmetical; they are not needed for the inner journey. Just be quiet, silent, more and more relaxing, more and more in tune with nature; and more and more, sit with closed eyes, just doing nothing – not even meditating – just doing nothing.
If nothing happens don’t be worried. If you can accept that nothing is happening, that too is okay; then some day something is going to happen which will transform you.
Ecstasy - The Forgotten Language