Saturday, 30 April 2016


This is from "Pathik the Pathetic." He unnecessarily goes on becoming pathetic.
Now, "how to stop worrying?" What is the need to stop worrying?
If you start trying to stop worrying, you create a new worry: how to stop worry. Then you start worrying about the worries; then you double them.
There is no way.
And if somebody says, as there are people.... Dale Carnegie has written a book HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING. These people create more worries because they give you a desire that worries can be stopped.
They cannot be stopped, but they disappear -- that I know. They cannot be stopped, but they disappear!
You cannot do anything about them. If you simply allow them and don't bother a bit, they disappear.
Worries disappear, they cannot be stopped --because when you try to stop them, who are you? The mind which is creating worries is creating a new worry: how to stop.
Now you will go crazy, mad; nowyou are like a dog chasing its own tail.
Watch a dog; it is a beautiful phenomenon. In winter in India you can watch anywhere dogs sitting in the morning sunning themselves, enjoying. Then they suddenly become aware of their tail just by the side.
Such temptation, they jump. But then the tail jumps farther back. Of course this is too much for a dog totolerate, this is impossible. It hurts: this ordinary tail, and playing games -- with such a great dog?
He goes mad -- round and round he goes. You will see him panting, tired, and he cannot believe what is happening. He cannot catch this tail?
Don't be a dog chasing your own tail, and don't listen to Dale Carnegies.
That is the only method they can teach you: chase your own tail and go mad.
There is away -- not a method -- a way worries disappear: when you simply look at them indifferently, aloof; you watch them as if they don't belong to you.
They are there; you accept them.
Just like clouds moving in the sky: thoughts moving in the mind, in the inner sky.
Traffic moving on the road: thoughts moving on the inner road.
You just watch them.
What do you do when you stand by the side of the road waiting for a bus?
You Simply watch. The traffic goes on; you are not concerned. When you are not concerned, worries start dropping.
Your concern gives them energy.
You feed them, you vitalize them, and then you ask how to stop them. And when you ask how to stop them, they have already over powered you.
Don't ask a wrong question.
Worries are there, naturally; life is such a vast and complicated phenomenon, worries are bound to be there.
Watch. Be a watcher and don't be a doer.
Don't ask how to stop. When you ask how to stop, you are asking what to do.
No, nothing can be done. Accept them -- they are. In fact look at them, watch them from every angle, what they are.
Forget about stopping, and one day suddenly you realize just by watching, looking, a gap arises.
The worries are no longer there, the traffic has stopped, the road is empty, nobody passing....
In that emptiness, God passes by. In that emptiness, suddenly you have a glimpse of your Buddha nature, of your inner plenitude, and everything becomes a benediction.
But you cannot stop it. You can accept it, allow it, watch it, with a very indifferent, unconcerned look as if they don't matter.
And they are simply bubbles of thought; they really don't matter.
The more you become concerned with them, the more they matter.
The more they matter, the more you become concerned.
Now you create a vicious circle.
Jump out of the circle
OshO ❤️ 
Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6

Friday, 29 April 2016

The ego is not interested in the easy !

The ego is not interested in the easy, it is interested in the difficult, and if it is impossible it is immensely interested.The ego exists only through the difficult and the impossible. That's why the ego is not interested in God, because God is the most simple phenomenon in the world. You don't have to do anything to achieve God, because he is already inside. You don't have to do a thing. You have just to sit silently and watch and look in, and you will find him. It is so easy; that's why the ego is not interested in it at all.
Osho - Come come yet again come.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Guruvachaka ! The Boat !

The boat may remain in water, but if water enters the boat it will bring great catastrophe. [Likewise] a man may live in the world, but if the world enters [the mind of] the man the whole life will be miserable.
('Guru Vachaka Kovai' 821)

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Remember in a dream that 'This is a dream !

Gurdjieff, one of the buddhas of this century, used to give a certain meditation to his disciples which is very significant. He used to say to his disciples, "If you can remember in a dream that 'This is a dream,' then you are on the very threshold of transformation."
But it is very difficult to remember in a dream that it is a dream. When you are in a dream you believe that it is the truth. And every night you are in a dream, and every morning you come back and you see and you know that it was all false. And again when you fall asleep the dream is there and you start believing in it again, as if you never learned anything. But how to remember?
He created a small device. He would give this device to a few advanced disciples: that in the daytime... because you cannot do anything while you are asleep and in a dream. The preparation has to be done in the daytime; then you have a little bit of awareness. He used to tell them, "As many times as you can manage — brushing your teeth in the morning — just put your left hand on your head and say, 'This is all dream.' Walking on the street, put your left hand again on your head and say, 'This is all dream.' Let your left hand and the putting of it on your head become associated with the idea that 'This is all dream.'
"Repeated many times, whenever you put your left hand on your head, immediately the idea will come: 'This is all dream.' Or whenever you say, 'This is all dream,' automatically your left hand will go on your head. This has to be practiced for at least three to nine months in the daytime.
"And then," Gurdjieff used to say, "one day suddenly in a dream you will see it happen: the dream is there, and you put your hand on your head, your left hand, and suddenly you say, 'This is all dream.' And the moment you say it the dream disappears, you are fully awake. The dream cannot exist if you know that it is a dream."
OSHO, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 5, Chapter #9

Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Bodhidharma laughed for seven days when he became enlightened -- nonstop. His friends became very worried; they thought he had gone insane. They asked him, "What is the matter?
Why are you laughing?"
He said, "I am laughing because now I see the whole ridiculousness of my search.
I have been searching for lives together for the truth, and it has always been within me. What I was searching for was in the seeker himself.
I was looking everywhere and it was within me. I was running hither and thither and there was no need to run anywhere.
I could have just calmed myself down, and it was mine. It has always been mine. From the very beginning it was within me. It is my innermost being, my very being.
"The seeker is the sought -- that's why I am laughing.
I cannot believe how I could remain in such a deception for so long, how I managed to be such a fool.
And I am also laughing because I see all around millions of people searching in the same way -- searching for bliss, for God, for truth, for nirvana -- and all that they are searching and seeking and looking for can be found within themselves.
There is no need to go anywhere. There is no need to do anything. Just close your eyes and look within, and the kingdom of God is yours. Hence, I cannot stop laughing."...

Come,come yet again come.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

I am who I am !

Accept yourself, because whenever you want respect from others, it simply shows that you don't respect yourself.
Otherwise what is the need?
You hate and condemn yourself, so you go on creating masks to hide behind, to deceive others with. At least you can try to deceive others, even if you cannot deceive yourself.
But nobody is deceived, because those people are trying the same trick themselves. The whole world is in the same mess.
So the first thing is to respect yourself, and not to make any demands on yourself.
There is no should to life. Life is as it ought to be; it already is! You just have to accept and enjoy yourself, and give yourself in love. If respect comes through love it is beautiful. And it always comes through love because there is no other way!
Beloved Osho
Hammer on the Rock

Friday, 8 April 2016

Friday, 1 April 2016

Trust Life !

Never be impatient.
Trust life.
Go. In deep trust.
Everything is bound to happen whenever the right moment comes.
There is no need to hanker for it.
Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 1