Sunday, 7 April 2019

5 Intra

8. Shorted 11715  SL 11740 Target 11672
    Exited @ 11724. -9

6. Exited 11500 Put @ 56. -34*2 [Double Quantity] = -68

Thursday, 4 April 2019

4 Apr 19:Intra

As expected Correction continues !

6. Bought 11500 Put @ 90. [ Positional] 

7. Shorted 11729  SL 11752  Target  11686
    Booked profit 11686. +43.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Bearish Engulfing! Finally Correction started!

Bearish Engulfing after 3 Spinning Tops would Lead to Correction!

3 Apr 19: Intra

Nifty peaking out !!

4. Shorted 11807  SL 11831  Target  11764.
    Exited @ 11817. = -10

5. Shorted 11817  SL 11835  Target  11754.
    Booked profit @ 11754. +63

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

3 rd Spinning Top !

Another Spinning Top!
Does it mean a pause for Upside Bullish BreakOut or
Waiting for correction below Low of the Spinning Top! 
90% of Spinning Tops are Trend Reversal signs! 

2 Apr 19:Intra: Ranged Day !

Yest Low of Spinning Top not broken!

2.Bought 11757  SL 11732  Target 11800.
   TSL 11737 pass. -20

3. Bought 11757  SL 11737  Target 11780. [went upto 11794.70]
    Squared off @ 11770. +13

Net= -7

Sunday, 27 January 2019

“Desireless Devotion”

Please explain the difference between sex-centered love and love-centered sex?
Sex-centered love is stepping down on the ladder, love-centered sex is stepping up on the ladder. The ladder is the same but the difference is of the direction. When you love somebody because you want to satisfy some desire, some lust through him, then love is only an excuse, a deception; it is not real. You are focused on the desire.
Ramakrishna has said that a kite flies in the sky but his eyes are focused on the garbage dump; his eyes are searching for the dead rat in the garbage dump. Don’t think that by seeing a kite flying that it is flying very high. Howsoever high it may fly; its attention is on the mundane. Sex-centered love is like the kite flying in the sky - its eyes are looking for a dead rat. It is making preparations so that whenever it gets a chance it will grab the rat.
Ramakrishna has said: One day I saw a kite that had caught a rat. Many other kites attacked it. The kite tried to escape in every way, but there was no escape. It was hurt and wounded; in the struggle the rat dropped from its mouth. As soon as the rat had dropped, the other kites flew away and left it alone. They were after the rat, now they had no interest in the kite. So now the kite could rest on a tree.
Ramakrishna has said that this is the situation of one who has dropped passion and is resting in love. Then nobody is chasing him, then there is no competition, then there is no struggle. There is competition in desires; there is no competition in love. As you start rising in love then your attention is not on the mundane. The steps are the same, you are rising up on the same rungs of the ladder; you are going upwards. On the same rungs others are going downwards, and the rungs are the same. This is also possible.
Suppose you are standing on the third step of the ladder and another person is also standing on this third step, but your directions are not the same because the other man is going down and you are going up. You are standing on the same step, there is no difference, but the directions are different. And there is a great difference between the two, because one is looking upwards. For him sex will transform into love, love will grow into compassion. You have no idea about your compassion at all. Your love also is just for the name’s sake, it is also trying to become sex. It is moving downwards.
Sex drowns love and love saves sex.
And remember, love should be the first priority in your life. Even if sex enters, it should be a part of your love. In your life, even if there is a physical relationship with someone it should only be a reflection of the relationship of your souls, not less than that.
If there is a relationship of the souls then even the physical relations become sacred - this follows like a shadow. If the physical relations are everything in your life and a relationship of the soul is only a shadow of these physical relations, then the relation of the soul also becomes pseudo. It also becomes dirty and non-sacred.
Remember, the direction is important. In the company of the excellent, excellence comes even to the lowly. In the company of the lowly, even the excellent begins to change. Always remember that your lowliness is to be absorbed into the circle of your excellence, and not that your higher qualities should be absorbed into your lower qualities. The scope of your higher qualities should be vast enough to include your lower qualities.
Have you ever noticed that if you give a diamond ring to a beggar nobody will look at his ring; people will think that it must be a piece of glass. And if you give a rich person, an emperor, a ring studded with pieces of glass, then thousands of people will look at his ring because they will think it must be a great diamond, a Kohinoor. With an emperor a piece of glass also becomes a Kohinoor, with a beggar even a Kohinoor becomes a piece of glass. It is so. With love, sex also becomes a Kohinoor; with sex, love also becomes a piece of glass.
You have to become aware of the emphasis, the direction. What you do is not important, but the whole context of it is important. The quality of your every act is the result of the main quality of your life. What you do is not important, what you are is important.
There is an old Sufi story. An emperor was passing through a forest and had lost his way. When he saw a man sleeping under a tree, he became happy that perhaps now he would be guided on the way. But when he went up to him he saw that the man’s mouth was open - some people sleep with their mouths open - and a snake was entering into his mouth. The emperor just saw the tail of the snake.
He lifted his whip and started beating that man. The man suddenly woke up - he could not understand! He started shouting and crying, “What are you doing? Why are you beating me? What wrong have I done to anyone? Oh God! What an evil person this man is. He is strong, he is sitting on a horse, he is so powerful that I cannot even fight with him.”
The emperor forced him to eat the rotten fruits that were lying on the ground. He didn’t stop, he went on whipping the man terribly. The man was crying and eating, and the fruits were rotten and stinking. The emperor whipped him so much and forced him to eat so much rotten fruit that he vomited and passed out. When he vomited, the snake came out with the vomit.
When the man saw the snake he could not understand what had happened. Then bowing to the feet of the emperor he said, it is out of your great compassion that you whipped me, that you forced me to eat this rotten fruit, that you made my body shed blood. It is my great fortune. God has sent you at the right time or I would have died. But I want to say one thing: if you had said that I had eaten a snake, that I had swallowed a snake or that a snake had entered in me, then I would not have abused you and cursed you.
The emperor said, “If I had told you, then getting the snake out would have been impossible. You would have died of fear. By my beating you did not die. If I had told you that you had swallowed a snake, then I would not have been able to make you eat the fruit; you would have become unconscious and it would have been impossible to save you. So I had to stop myself from telling you and beat you instead. To make you vomit became my main concern. I had to stop worrying about you because if I could make you somehow vomit, the snake would be thrown out.”
On the basis of this story, the Sufis have a saying. You may have heard this saying although you may never have heard the story before. The saying is: Better to have an intelligent foe than a foolish friend.
A sensible foe is better than a foolish friend. This emperor was sensible. He appeared to be an enemy because he was violent, he beat the man and made him bloody - but he was intelligent. Even his violence brought good results. If a foolish friend had been there the sleeping man’s life would have been lost. The real question is not of friendship or enmity, the real question is of intelligence.
I say to you that in the vaster context of intelligence, even enmity becomes significant, precious; valuable. If sex accompanies love, then sex too can become a device to reach super consciousness. And if love follows sex, then the love which always takes you upwards can also become a device for taking you downwards. It is necessary to understand the alchemy and the laws of life rightly, because it is a fragile affair. If you understand it rightly only then can it transform your life.
In whatever you are doing, always be alert about how it is going to fit into the vaster context. What you are doing is not important, but the significance of that act in the vaster context is - where will it finally end, where will it finally reach and what will be its ultimate consequence? That is important. Then many times you may do things that others will say are wrong, but you know that they are right because they are helping you along on a journey that will take you to the higher. Then a man can even use poison as nectar. Then it is of no importance whether others say it is right or wrong. There is an understanding; a perceptiveness. When you know that whatever you are doing is connected with higher consciousness, then there is no fear.
Always act keeping God in your view because; there is no vaster context than this. God is our word for the vastest context. Even if you steal, by keeping your awareness on God it will become virtuous. And even if you do a virtuous act to nourish your ego, then this virtuous act will become a sin. Don’t be tied to the smaller; don’t be tied to the lower. The smaller drowns you, the vaster saves you.
So I continually emphasize that even if you go into sex, remember that ‘samadhi’ is your goal. Naturally, there have been some very horrible results from this statement. People have not understood it. They thought that I was teaching sex to people. Jesus was running away from such people, people whose level of understanding was like this.
I am simply saying to bring the mundane to the higher - the boat is big enough to take your lower also to the other shore - and ultimately the mundane will also be transformed. And this should be the art of life - where the mundane can also become purified and sacred. In life, the bad can also become good and even sin can also be useful. Nothing needs to be thrown away. They say that a real sculptor does not even throw away a shapeless stone, he uses that too. It depends on the sculptor. And if you don’t know how to use what you have, then how can you move further on? You will have to begin from the point where you already are.
Sex is your state and ‘samadhi’ is your possibility. If you move step by step from sex towards ‘samadhi’, only then will you be able to attain. If you think that there can be no bridge between sex and ‘samadhi’, then how will you cross? Certainly, there has to be a bridge between ignorance and wisdom, there has to be a bridge between the mundane and the ultimate. Otherwise if the mundane always remains mundane, then how can it move towards the ultimate? Certainly there must be a bridge between you and the ultimate.
However far away the divine may be from you, it must still be connected with you. This is what I am saying. And if there is no connection, then life is futile. However far away you are from God, in some way or other you must be near him - otherwise there would be no end to your wandering. Then how will you return home? Even if a single thread is joining you, it is enough. All that I am saying is that there is a thread of ‘samadhi’ joined to your sexuality. Don’t focus your attention on your sexuality; give your attention to the thread. That same thread will lift you up. One day you will find that sex has disappeared and ‘samadhi’ has flowered.
Search for love even in sex. Even in sex give attention to love. Whatsoever you give attention to will be nourished. Attention is food. Attention is energy. Try to see the good even in the bad and that same goodness will help you towards transcendence.
There is a great difference between sex-centered love and love-centered sex. The words are the same. In sex-centered love there are three words: sex, centered, love. The same three words - love, centered, sex - but the difference is great. One creates the world, the other helps to liberate you. The ladder is the same: climb down and you are in the world, climb up and the ultimate is reached.    〰️Osho

Monday, 21 January 2019

Sins are Punishments !

Always remember: Life is never Unjust.
If it looks unjust then you must have done something wrong.
Somewhere you must have gone beyond the balance; then life seems to be unjust.
Otherwise life Is never unjust.
And whenever you feel the unjustice it is better to look at yourself; you have done something wrong and you have been punished.
In fact, people have been thinking for millennia that sins are punished, but I say to you that sins are not punished.
Sins are the punishment.
When You say sins are punished you have time to wait.
Maybe they will be punished in the next life –who bothers?
We will see in the next life.
You can postpone.
But I say to you that sins are the Punishment; they are not punished somewhere in the future.
Sins carry their punishment in themselves.
Punishment is intrinsic to every sin.
It is not a result-somewhere in the future. It is not that you sow today and you reap tomorrow – No.
There is no time gap.
You sin and immediately you are punished, immediately the punishment has started.
Here you sin and here immediately the punishment starts!
You feel ugly and you feel sad and you feel guilty,and a turmoil and a chaos arise inside and you are unhappy and in hell.
Hell is not somewhere in-the future, neither is heaven.
Each act carries its own heaven or hell.
Remain balanced and you are in heaven; become unbalanced and a hell is created.
Nobody else Is creating it for you.

Tao: The Three Treasures, Vol 1

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Man is a Crowd !

Someone was here just a few days ago, and he said to me, ”I am in love with someone, and I want to marry her.”
I looked into his eyes deeply for a few minutes without saying anything.
He became restless and he said, ”Why are you looking at me?
I feel so awkward.” I continued looking.
He said,”Do you think that my love is false?”
I didn’t say anything, I just continued looking. He said, ”Why do You feel that this marriage is not going to be good?”
He said by himself, ”I had not really thought it Over very much, and that is why I have come to you.
Really, I do not know whether I am in love or not.”I had not said a single word.
I was just looking into his eyes. But he became restless, and things Which were inside began to come up, to bubble up.
You are not certain, you cannot be certain about anything; neither about your love, nor about your Hate, nor about your friendships.
There is nothing which you can be certain about because you Have no center.
Without a center there is no certainty. All your feelings of certainty are false and Momentary.
One moment you will feel that you are certain, but the next moment the certainty will Have gone because in each moment you have a different center.
You do not have a permanent Center, a crystallized center.
Each moment is an atomic center, so each moment has its own self.
George Gurdjieff used to say that man is a crowd.
Personality is just a deception because you are Not a person, you are many persons.
So when one person speaks in you, that is a momentary Center.
The next moment there is another. With every moment, with every atomic situation, you Feel certain, and you never become aware that you are just a flux – many waves without any center.
Then in the end you will feel that life has been just a Wastage.
It is Bound to Be.
There is just A wastage, just a wandering – Purposeless, Meaningless.
OshO ❤️
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1