Friday, 15 May 2015

the first step towards wisdom

It happened: one day, a man knocked at Naftali’s house. Naftali opened the door and, as was his custom, he asked: ’Why have you come?’
The man said: ’I have come to study with you.’
Naftali closed the door and he said: ’Go somewhere else. I am not a teacher. You can find somebody else who can teach you scriptures.’
’Why?’ Naftali’s wife asked. ’Why have you denied that man? He looked like a sincere seeker.’
Naftali said: ’People who are interested in studying scriptures are almost always stupid. They want to hide.’
Another day, another man knocked. Naftali opened the door and he asked: ’Why are you here? What do you want from me?’
The man said: ’I have come to be near you, to learn how to serve humanity.’
Naftali said: ’Go away. You have knocked on the wrong door.’
The wife was very much puzzled. She said: ’He was not asking to study scriptures. He seems to be a great social reformer or something like that. He wanted to serve humanity. Such a pure, pious mind – why have you refused him?’
Naftali said: ’Those who don’t know themselves – they cannot serve anybody else. All their service finally becomes a mischief.’
Social reformers are mischievous people unless they know themselves. How can you serve anybody? And how can you serve humanity? You have not served that small being that is within you. Light it first – then try to light others’ lives. If you are dark within, and you go and start helping
others, you will not help, you will harm – because who is there to help?
Another day, another man knocked. Naftali opened the door and asked: ’Why have you come here?’
The man said: ’I am very stupid. Can you help me a little to get rid of it?’
Naftali kissed the man and said: ’Welcome. I am waiting for you.’
This is the first step towards wisdom: to realize that you are not wise, to realize that no trick of hiding it is going to help.
One who realizes that he is ignorant is already on the path. One who realizes that he is poor is already on the path of the Kingdom of God, the real treasure. One who realizes that he is blind – his eyes are already opening. One who realizes that he is deaf will sooner or later become capable of listening. And then he will know the music, the music of existence.


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