If you feel helplessness, you will feel grace reaching to you.
If you feel that you are already strong, the door is closed. You don’t need grace.
There is a very ancient story. Krishna is sitting down. His wife, Rukhamani, has brought food for him, and he was just going to take the first bite.
He dropped it and rushed towards the door. Then he stopped at the door for a single moment, came back, and started eating.
Rukhamani was puzzled.
She said: ’What is the matter?
She said: ’What is the matter?
You rushed towards the door as if there
is some great emergency, as if the house is on fire or something, or somebody is going to die.
is some great emergency, as if the house is on fire or something, or somebody is going to die.
And then you stopped, and then you came back. I’m puzzled. Tell me, what is the secret?’
Krishna said: ’One of my devotees, a lover, was passing through a big city. He is almost mad in love with me.
People were throwing stones at him. They thought he was crazy. And when the stones hit him and the blood flowed, he just said: ’Krishna, Krishna,’ and danced.
He was so helpless, I was needed.
So I rushed.’ Rukhmani asked: ’Then what happened?
Why did you come back from the door?’
Krishna said: ’By the time I reached the door, he had taken one stone in his hand.
Why did you come back from the door?’
Krishna said: ’By the time I reached the door, he had taken one stone in his hand.
He was throwing stones himself.
Now I am not needed. He has taken the whole situation in his own hands.
Now I am not needed. He has taken the whole situation in his own hands.
I am not needed.
God comes to you when you are helpless. When you are strong, God is not needed.
The divine reaches to you when you are empty. When you are too full of yourself, there is no need.
Helplessness is the capacity to call, to invite grace.
Grace is always available; you only have to be helpless.
But in your ego, you feel you are strong. You feel you are the master. You feel nothing can harm you.
You feel everybody else dies, not you. You feel very superior, and nothing is there in that superiority; it is just a bubble, a soap bubble – inside, nothing but emptiness.
And you know it, because anybody can touch the bubble and it is no more there; it explodes.
Feel helpless and you will never be helpless again.
Feel empty and you will be full with the divine.
That’s the secret.
OshO ❤
The True Sage
The True Sage
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