Married people have completely forgotten what Romance is.
A real marriage will go on growing in Romance.
But our whole life is unreal, hence our marriages are unreal.
Because our individualities are not there, we are phoney, then whatsoever we do with those phoney personalities becomes doubly phoney.
And whenever there is a possibility of coming across some truth, fear arises.
The wife wants to become a sannyasin: the husband becomes stubbornly antagonistic. The husband wants to become a sannyasin: the wife becomes absolutely antagonistic.
The fear is that something new is there and it may disturb the arrangement.
And people want to live in security, even if security means death.
People want to live in comfort, even if comfort simply means nothing but dragging your life.
Security, comfort, convenience, have become ultimate values.
In a society which thinks of security as a value, comfort as a value, convenience as a value,everybody remains afraid, nobody wants anything to change.
Everybody is for the status quo: let things remain as they are, don’t touch them.
Unio Mystica, Vol 2

Unio Mystica, Vol 2
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