Tuesday, 18 November 2014

DEATH is so clean !

Live each moment, don’t leave a single moment unlived.
Then only will you become capable of
knowing death. When death comes you will be in the moment, available, open.
And a man who is open and available to death comes to know in death the most beautiful experience of life – because death is silence, utter silence, abysmal silence.
And you ask me, ”I am not afraid of it – why?”
Nobody is afraid of death. I have never come across a person who is afraid of death.
People are afraid of having cancer, people are afraid of having AIDS, people are afraid of becoming blind,
people are afraid of becoming crippled; people are afraid of all kinds of things that can happen in old age; they are afraid of old age.
Nobody is afraid of death. Death is so clean – why should one be afraid of death?
In fact the closer you come to your old age and the closer to death, the more you start hoping that death comes soon.
Death is absolute clean, pure. It has never bothered anybody, it has never
tortured anybody. And the contrary, it has relieved millions of people from torture, from disease,from concentration camps, from suffering, misery, anguish.
Death has been a great friend to the whole of humanity.
That’s why I say to my sannyasins:
When death happens, Celebrate!

From Darkness to Light

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