Friday, 2 January 2015

Meditation Is Not Escapism !

Desire means your whole mind. Desire means not to be here now. Desire means moving somewhere in the future which is not yet. Desire means a thousand and one ways of escaping from the present. Desire is equivalent to mind. In Buddha's terminology, desire is mind.
Desire is time too. When I say desire is time too, I don't mean the clock time, I mean the psychological time. How do you create future in your mind ? by desiring.
You want to do something tomorrow, you have created the tomorrow, otherwise the tomorrow is nowhere yet, it has not come. But you want to do something tomorrow, and because you want to do something tomorrow you have created a psychological tomorrow.
People are creating years ahead, lives ahead. They are even thinking about what to do after life, after death. They are even preparing for that !
These people are thought to be religious, they are not religious at all. Desire takes you away from the now-here, and now-here is the only reality.
Hence Buddha says, He never gives in to desire,He never moves into the future, he lives in the present. To live in the future is to live a false life, a pseudo life.
The man who lives in the future, lives a counterfeit life. He does not really live, he only pretends to live. He hopes to live, he desires to live, but he never lives. And the tomorrow never comes, it is always today.
Whatsoever comes is always now and here, and he does not know how to live here-now. The way to escape is called "desire."
Tanha - that is Buddha's word for what is an escape from the present, from the real into the unreal.
The man who desires is an Escapist !
Meditators are thought to be escapists. That is utter nonsense. Only the meditator is not an escapist - everybody else is.
Meditation means relaxing in the moment, in the present. Meditation is the only thing in the world which is not an escapist thing.
People who condemn meditation always condemn it with the argument that it is escape, escaping from life. They are simply talking nonsense, they don't understand what they are saying.
Meditation is not escaping from life ! it is escaping into life. Mind is escaping from life, desire is escaping from life.
~ Osho
Excerpt from - The Dhammapada - The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 1, Talk #7

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