Friday, 2 January 2015

When Buddha Enlightened !

" When Buddha became enlightened, he placed his hands together in salutation and bowed his head until it touched the ground. The story goes on to say that the gods came from heaven to pay their respects to Buddha because he had found the ultimate truth, but upon seeing him with his head touching the ground, they were surprised. They asked Buddha to whom he was bowing.They said that they had come from heaven to offer greetings to him because he was enlightened and that they did not know that there could be something to which even Buddha had to offer salutations, as enlightenment is the ultimate attainment. Buddha then opened his eyes and said, "In whatsoever has happened to me, I am not alone, the world has also participated. So I bowed down to the earth in thanksgiving to the whole world ".

Hidden Mysteries,Ch 6 ]

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