Thursday, 27 August 2015

No more sleep ! No more Dreaming !

Making friends with a tree !

GO to a tree, talk to the tree, touch the tree, embrace the tree, feel the tree, just sit by the side of the tree, let the tree feel that you are a good man and that you are not in the mood to harm.
By and by friendship arises and you will start feeling that when you come, the quality of the tree immediately changes. You will feel it, on the bark of the tree you will feel tremendous energy moving when you come. When you touch the tree, she is as happy as a beloved. When you sit by the tree, you will feel many things, and soon you will be able to feel that if you are sad and come to the tree, your sadness will disappear just in the presence of the tree.
Then only will you be able to understand that you are interdependent. You can make the tree happy, and the tree can make you happy, and the whole of life is interdependent. This interdependence I call God.
The Orange Book,

A Listening Heart !

Benifits of BareFoot walking

Saturday, 22 August 2015

10 money lessons from Warren Buffett

Everyone obsesses over Buffett's track record as the world's greatest investor. 

What's even more remarkable about his achievements is that being a squillionaire hasn't changed him much.
He's the perfect role model for living a modest lifestyle while doing what you love. It's fair to say I'm a fanboy.
Here are 10 money lessons I've learned from the Oracle of Omaha:
Start young
The miracle of compounding interest works best with time on your side, and Buffett was a born hustler. At six years old, he bought sixpacks of Coke for 25c and onsold each bottle for 5c.
The savings from various schemes and a paper run led him to buy his first shares at the tender age of 11.
Never lose money
The other benefit of starting young is that mistakes are best made early on, when there's not much at stake.
Buffett's first rule of investing is don't lose money. His second rule?
"Don't forget rule number one."
It might sound obvious, but a lot of people don't grasp this.
If you lose 50 per cent of your cash on a bum investment, your next one needs to double just to break even.
Avoid 'lifestyle inflation'
Warren Buffett's net worth is about $109 billion in kiwi dollars. 
But even as his wealth has skyrocketed, his habits have remained the same.
For decades, he has drawn the same salary of just US$100,000.
He still lives in the modest house in Omaha, Nebraska that he bought back in 1958.
His favourite meal? A McDonald's hamburger and coke.
Avoid accumulating stuff
Buffett has deliberately avoided being burdened with the usual toys associated with the billionaires' club. Why? He's acutely aware of the maintenance expenses, depreciation and holding costs.
The one exception - a private jet - he named "The Indefensible" for very good reason.
Never pay the sticker price
Buffett is known for 'value' investing. He looks for great companies at bargain prices.
Even if you're not an investor, the same concept applies to other purchases. With a bit of haggling and shopping around, there's no need to pay the full sticker price for the likes of cars, electronic goods, or even your mortgage.
Avoid the debt trap
When asked the most important thing young people should be doing about money, Buffett's advice was to "stay away from credit cards."
Look longterm
Here's another famous Buffett aphorism:
"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."
Most people either get greedy or panic when they see share prices jumping around. They become their own worst enemy.
Buffett buys companies he wants to own 50 years from now, and ignores the noise of the market.
Be boring
There's no such thing as a free lunch. Hyped-up get-rich-quick schemes are doomed to fail.
Buffett has warned against investing in precious metals or currency trading.
He also famously steered clear of both the dotcom boom and bust, and the complex derivative products which caused the global financial crisis.
Invest in yourself
"Invest in as much of yourself as you can, you are your own biggest asset by far," says Buffett.
A cruel twist of fate can strip you of your money or your job. But no-one can take away the talent and skills you acquire.
Give back
We can all make a difference. Buffett has given away billions, and says when he kicks the bucket, 99 per cent is going to charity. Way to combat those old white dude stereotypes.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Sing your song !

Why do you Live like a King !

You ask me, "Why do you live like a king?"
There are four possibilities after you become enlightened. The first possibility Janak and Marcus Aurelius followed: they were born as kings, after they became enlightened they remained kings.
The second possibility Jesus and Kabir followed: they were born as beggars, after they became enlightened they remained beggars.
The third possibility was followed by Mahavira and the Buddha: they were born as kings, when they became enlightened they still remained beggars.
Then, I thought, for a change. . . . I was born as a beggar, I decided to live as a king. That is the fourth possibility and there is no other, so I am finishing the last. Somebody had to do it, otherwise history remains incomplete.
-- OSHO (the secret of the secrets, ch. 08)


Small things prove you -- that you are a slave.
Somebody insults -- and anger.
You are simply proving that he is the master.
He can insult any day and can create anger in you -- you are not the master of your anger.
Somebody comes and flatters you and you smile.
He has brought the smile in you; he is the master.
You are not the master.
Buddha says it is very difficult, But Try.
I call you swamis. The word 'swami' means a master.
Try in every way to remain a master.
Don't allow anybody to manipulate you. Don't allow anybody to reduce you to just a mechanism.
Remain master in every situation.
And if you make effort, sooner or later you will start feeling a new power, a new surge of energy in you.
The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 2 ,Chapter #8,Chapter title: A distant star,7 September 1976 am in Buddha Hall

Saturday, 15 August 2015

"If you lose, you will gain. If you don't lose, you will lose !

People come to me and they say, "Osho, I would like to become enlightened." I say to them, "It is very difficult, it is impossible. I cannot help you." They say, "Why? Why can't you help?" I say, "From the very beginning you are putting such a condition: you say, 'I want to become enlightened.' This 'I' is the barrier. This 'I' is not allowing you to know your enlightenment - which is already there. The 'I' never becomes enlightened; the 'I' is the unenlightened state. The 'I' is the darkness."
Enlightenment is possible, but it will be possible only when you are ready to lose yourself. That is the meaning of Jesus' saying when he says,"If you lose, you will gain. If you don't lose, you will lose." In losing is the gain. In forgetting is the remembrance. In dissolving, you become crystallized.
The crystallized self is a no-self, it is all; and the big, strong ego is very tiny, not big at all. The tiniest thing in the world is the ego, and the hollowest thing in the world is the ego, and the weakest thing in the world is the ego; because it is the falsest thing possible. It exists not; it is a pretension.
Ecstasy The Forgotten Language
Chapter 4 : The way of religion


It is one of the human weaknesses, one of the deep-rooted frailties, to seek attention. The reason one seeks attention is because one does not know oneself. It is only in other people's eyes one can see his face, in their opinions he can find his personality. What they say matters immensely. If they neglect him, ignore him, he feels lost. If you pass by and nobody takes any attention, you will start losing what you have put together -- your personality. It is something that you have put together. You have not discovered it, it is not natural. It is very artificial and very arbitrary. It is not only you who is a beggar for attention; almost everybody is. And the situation cannot change until you discover your authentic self -- which does not depend on anybody's opinion, attention, criticism, indifference, which does not have anything to do with anybody else. Because very few people have been able to discover their reality, the whole world is full of beggars. Deep down you are all trying to find attention; it is nourishment for your personality. Even if people condemn you, criticize you, are against you, that is acceptable, at least they are paying attention to you; if they are friendly, respectful, of course that is far better, but you cannot survive as a personality without some kind of attention. It can be negative, it can be positive, it doesn't matter. People must say something about you; respectful or disrespectful, both fulfill the same purpose. I would like you to think about the word `respect'. It does not mean honor, as it is said in all the dictionaries without exception. Respect simply means looking again, re-spect. When you are passing by on the road, somebody looks back again, you have caught his eye -- you are somebody. Because respect gives you the idea of being somebody special, you can do anything stupid just to get attention.
— OSHO reading The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here.

Belief !

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Once you know what death is, you will receive it with great celebration.
You will welcome it. It is the fulfillment of your whole life’s effort.
It is the fruition of your whole life’s effort. The journey ends. One comes back home.
In death you don’t die. Just the energy that was given to you through the body and through the mind is released, goes back to the world. You return back home.
If you don’t die rightly, you will be born again.
Now let me explain it to you. If you don’t die rightly, if you don’t achieve the total orgasm that death is, you will be born again, because you missed and you have to be given another opportunity.
God is very patient with you.
He goes on giving you more opportunities. He has compassion.
If you have missed this life, he will give you another.
If you have failed this time, for another session you will be sent back to the world.
Unless you fulfill the goal, you will be sent back again and again.
That is the meaning of the theory of rebirth...
Nirvana The Last Nightmare..
— with Navin Sharma.


SELF - KNOWLEDGE IS THE MOST DIFFICULT THING : not because it is difficult, but because you are scared to know about yourself. A deep fear exists; everybody is trying to escape, escape from himself. This fear has to be understood. And if this fear exists, whatsoever you do will not be of much help. You may think that you want to know yourself, but if this unconscious fear is there you will continuously avoid, you will continuously try to hide, deceive. On the one hand you will try to know yourself, and on the other hand you will create all sorts of hindrances so that you cannot know.
Consciously you may think, "I would like to know myself, " but in the unconscious, which is bigger, stronger, more powerful than the conscious, you will avoid self - knowledge. So the fear has to be understood. Why are you afraid ? One thing : if you really penetrate within yourself, your image that you have created in the world will prove to be false. Your whole past will come to mean nothing, because it has been like a dream. You have invested so much in it, you have lived for it, and now to know that it has been a false phenomenon you feel hurt then your whole life has been wasted.
... OSHO The Mustard Seed

Monday, 10 August 2015

A dream means it is not !

One zen master awoke one morning. He called one disciple who was passing by and said,
’Listen. I had a dream.
Would you like to interpret it?’
The disciple said, ’Wait.’ And he went out and brought a bucket of water and told the old man to wash his face.
The old man did so, and laughed and blessed the disciple and said, ’Right. This is the right interpretation of the dream.’
Then another disciple who was passing was called and the master said, ’Look, I had a dream and I asked this disciple to interpret it and he brought a bucket of water. Now, would you like to interpret it?’
The disciple said, ’Wait.’ He went out and came back with a cup of tea.
He said, ’Please drink a cup of tea. Finished! The dream is finished,
so why bother about it?’
When you are awake, you are awake. When you have understood that it is a dream, it needs no interpretation. Finished!
A dream means it is not. What is the need to interpret something which is not?
Nirvana The Last nightmare...

Saturday, 8 August 2015

21 ways to get creative !

6 Ways to Free Yourself from Social Anxiety and Shyness - By Cylon George

 Do you struggle with social anxiety or shyness?
Is this anxiety affecting multiple areas of your life?
Are you yearning to break free from feeling isolated?
Like many people, I was shy as a kid. But I wasn’t just shy—I was painfully shy. I would avoid social situations like the plague. And I barely spoke because I stuttered.
My shyness followed me well into adulthood. I stayed away from social situations, fearing the embarrassment of stumbling in my speech. But even as my speech improved, I was always on guard and still felt awkward in social settings.
Then, I met a man who helped me change how I approached my fears. Tom had a stutter much more severe than mine, but it did not stop him from interacting with people. I was amazed by his courage and seeming lack of self-concern as he introduced himself to me.
We chatted for a bit, and he left an impression on me that I would never forget. He couldn’t stop his stutter, but he wouldn’t let it stop him from talking.
Reflecting on this experience taught me some valuable lessons about how to overcome shyness. These can work for you too (even if you don’t stutter):

1. Acknowledge the fear.

A common fear for shy people is the fear of what others may think about them. For me, my concern was the way I spoke. But it could be something else, such as a concern over your physical features or intelligence.
Tom could have easily been afraid of how he appeared to me as he introduced himself. If he was, it didn’t stop him from engaging me in conversation. I knew that to follow his example, I would first need to acknowledge my own fears of how I appeared to others when I spoke.
You may be tempted to discount your feelings or try to ignore them. But the more you try, the more the anxiety grows. The first step to freedom is to acknowledge the fear, as silly or inconsequential as that seems.
When you do, something interesting will happen; you’ll realize that you’re likely more concerned about your own quirks than other people are. This will give you the strength and courage to begin moving past them.

2. Accept embarrassment.

Yes, it’s painful. Nobody likes to embarrass themselves in public, but it will happen.
As a stutterer, I’ve felt incredibly embarrassed because of my speech on many occasions. I would be flowing along as I spoke only to be hit with blocked speech. Some episodes were so bad that I would appear to be suffering from convulsions.
Needless to say, this made me wary of speaking in public; I was too afraid of embarrassing myself. But Tom didn’t seem to have this problem at all. It made me wonder, “What if I accepted the potential for embarrassment rather than hide from it?”
The more I opened up myself to potentially embarrassing situations, the more courageous and resilient I felt.
This can happen to you too if you are willing to experience the greatest fear holding you back from interacting with other people.
Think about the worst-case scenario. Is it a life or death situation? If not, you will recover, and you’ll be stronger for it. You’ll more easily enter conversations rather than sit on the sidelines.

3. Challenge your perceptions.

We place many unreasonable expectations on ourselves when entering social interactions. Somehow, we believe that social conventions call for a person to be highly intelligent, witty, and entertaining in all their conversations.
I tried to be all these things to all people in the past—and I failed miserably because I was not being myself. I was trying to be what I thought others wanted me to be. Instead of choosing to be fluent or silent, Tom chose to be himself.
His powerful example caused me to ask myself, “Would I hold others to the same ridiculous standards I was holding myself to?” Probably not.
Do you believe you need to be intelligent, witty, and entertaining in all your social interactions? Challenge those perceptions.
Most people can see right through fake encounters. Just be yourself. People will appreciate you for who you are. And if they don’t, you’ll likely never see them again (or won’t see them for a long time). So, don’t worry about it.

4. Focus on others. 

As I chatted with Tom, I noticed how much he encouraged me to talk about myself. I got the impression that he was sincerely interested in me and my story.
He helped me realize how hyper-focused I was on myself and on what others might (or might not) think about me. To break the spell of self-absorption, I needed to focus on helping others.
When I stepped outside of my own world, I could see that other people had similar fears about what others thought of them. This caused a big shift in my thinking.
Rather than struggling to put myself at ease, I focused on helping others feel at ease with welcoming words and a warm smile. I learned to listen to them attentively and be genuinely interested in what they had to say.
The next time you’re tempted to withdraw from conversation, remember this sage advice from Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People:
“So if you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments.”
This step is almost guaranteed to put them, and you, at ease.

5. Start small.

Sometimes, we think that to overcome our shyness, we need to do big things—like speak in front of hundreds of people or start a conversation with every person we meet.
Tom didn’t try to make long speeches. His sentences were brief and to the point. I began to model his behavior by using fewer and simpler words. Over time, I became more comfortable with speaking at greater length.
You can start to overcome shyness by taking action in small ways. If groups of three or more seem too daunting, try introducing yourself to a person who may be looking for some company. If making eye contact seems too hard right now, try focusing on another area close to their eyes rather than looking down.
You’ll begin to make progress, and before you know it, you’ll become more confident in larger social settings.

6. Practice self-compassion.

Overcoming social anxiety will not be easy, and you’ll have times when you’ll slip back into old habits. My stutter has greatly lessened over the years. But sometimes it comes back with a vengeance whenever I’m anxious or tired. Or sometimes it just happens randomly.
Sometimes I avoid social situations when my confidence is low. When I am tempted to get angry with myself for falling short, I remember how patient Tom was with himself as he struggled to speak. He didn’t get angry. He simply took a minute to regain his composure and try again.
I remember that I, too, can become more kind and patient with myself when my fear of social interaction returns.
If you’re struggling with setbacks also, practice self-compassion. Be patient and kind with yourself on your journey to freedom. Don’t be tempted to give in when you’re feeling down.

You Have More Courage Than You Think

Until now, you may have allowed your shyness to hold you back from meeting people in social settings.
You mistakenly thought you weren’t interesting enough, important enough, or courageous enough to be in the company of others.
You’ve been in a state of self-imposed exile.
But you have more courage than you think.
It’s time to step outside your shell. It’s time to exercise your courage. It’s time to stand up so others can know and appreciate you for who you are.
The sheer power of your presence may make someone’s day or even change their life (and yours) for the better.

Friday, 7 August 2015

My truth cannot be your truth !

My truth cannot be your truth -- my truth will be your belief. Only your truth can be true to you. Truth certainly liberates; but the truth has to be your truth. Nobody else’s truth can liberate you. Somebody else’s truth will become only an imprisonment...
Truth liberates, but... if it is somebody else’s, truth binds.
Jesus Christ’s truth, Mohammed’s truth, Buddha’s truth, have all become prisons. I don’t want my truth to become a prison for anybody. I want my truth to be an inspiration. I want my truth to trigger something in you which is yours.
My truth simply gives you an assurance that a human being, just like you, can attain to truth.
That will give you immense respect towards yourself. You will not feel unworthy sinners, that somebody has to come to save you – some Christ, some Buddha has to come, and then you will be saved. You don’t have to wait for anybody to save you. You are born saved, just a little insight…. If my presence can do that, then my work is finished.
I don’t want to become a prison around you.
I want to become a freedom around you, an open sky around you, not a golden cage – so that you can open your wings and feel the joy of flying higher and higher towards the stars.
OSHO From Darkness to Light, Ch 22

Only one philosophy, and that is universal.

In my final M.A. examination, one of my professors was very much concerned because my paper was going to be examined by an old professor of Allahabad University who was world famous as a scholar on Indian philosophical thought - Dr. Ranade. And it was well-known that to get a passing mark from him was the most you could hope for. He has, all over the country, a name for that.
Mostly, people failed; his criteria were not ordinarily fulfilled.
My paper was also going to be examined by him, so my teacher of Indian philosophy was very much concerned. I told him, "Relax, because it is my examination, not your examination!"
He could not sleep. He said, "I know you are going into a difficulty. That man is a little eccentric, and he is such an authority that nobody can challenge him."
I said, "The need will not arise. Who knows, he may be waiting for me. I may be his criterion."
He laughed; he said, "You don't know him. He has failed so many people and he has not given a first class rating to anybody in his whole life. And now he is retired. But still because of his fame, universities go on sending him examination papers."
It was almost as if he was going into the examination. I had to console him and tell him to relax and rest and not be worried.
And I did just what he was afraid of... I did exactly that because I could not do anything else. My answers to his paper, his question paper, became rather an argument, and that's what my professor was worried about: "He is such an authority that nobody questions him. And you will create a situation in which he may feel offended. He may give you zero; he has given zero to many people."
His first question was "What is Indian philosophy?" and I simply answered in one line: "There is no such thing in the world. The question is absurd and does not deserve any more wastage of time for the simple reason that philosophy cannot be divided by geography; you are putting geography on a higher scale than philosophy. Now, what has philosophy to do with geography? Thoughts have no geographical boundaries, they are universal. There is only one philosophy, and that is universal. So never again ask such a question."
Certainly he must have been shocked because he was not expecting... and his whole life people have been polite to him. And now he was an ancient, wise man... but all his questions I answered in the same way. And when I told my teacher how I had answered his questions, tears came to his eyes.
I said, "You are mad! I am going to be given a mark of zero because he cannot give less than that.
But why are you...?"
He said, "I feel for you. I understand you. What you are saying is right. But right is not the question; the question is what is acceptable, what the knowledgeable people recognize as right."
But Dr. Ranade really proved to be a man of integrity. He gave me ninety-nine percent and wrote a special note to the vice-chancellor mentioning that the note should be shown to me. And the note was: "You shocked me as nobody ever has. But your answers were original, and you did not care at all whether you were going to pass or fail. You were so total in each of your answers that it was irrelevant what happened to be the result. I loved your totality, I loved your intensity, I loved your originality - and for the first time I have come across a student I have been waiting for."
The vice-chancellor called me. My teacher said, "Some note against you must have come because the papers have come back. I am coming with you." And when he saw the note he could not believe it. He said, "Today I can say that miracles happen. I was thinking you were going to get zero, and you have ninety-nine percent!"
And Dr. Ranade had mentioned in his note, "I was going to give you one hundred percent but that may look as if I am favoring you too much; that's why I have taken off the one percent. It is not that something is wrong in your answers, it is just my old habit, a lifelong habit of cutting. I cannot do much, but at least I can take off one percent."
The Transmission of the Lamp

Love - No Mind

Projections !

I told him a story of Ramakrishna which is very rare in the
history of mystics.
After attaining enlightenment, nobody ever tries to look into
other paths to see whether they also reach to enlightenment
or not -- there is no point. You wanted to reach here, you
have reached -- now what is the point of finding out whether
other roads also reach here or not? But Ramakrishna had
something tremendously significant on his mind, so he gave
six months to each religion that was available in his vicinity;
for six months he would practice the religion and forget
everything else. Of course, he was already enlightened so the
path was not a problem; in six months, he would reach back
to the point of consciousness.
In Bengal, there is a small local group of a very strange
religion: they believe that Krishna is the only man, and those
who follow him are all women. They may be men, but that is
only an illusion; in reality, except for Krishna, there is no other
man -- all are women. He is the lover and you are the
beloved. In the night, the followers of that sect, men and
women both, dress alike -- like women. And even men sleep
with a statue of Krishna in their beds -- he is their husband.
Ramakrishna followed that path also for six months. For
others it was just a ritual; they were born into that religion,
just as you are born into Christianity, or Hinduism, or Jainism.
You don't really care; it is just accidental that you are born
into a certain religion and you follow it, but it is a formality --
at the most.
But Ramakrishna was not going into those processes in a
formal way: when he was following something, he was
following it with totality and intensity. And almost a miracle
was seen! Even in the day, he used the same clothes as
women use in Bengal. Even the people of that sect told him,
"In the day you can use men's clothes; otherwise it looks very
But he said, "When I follow something, I follow it totally. I
cannot divide my day from my night. And I don't care about
the world."

His breasts started growing; his disciples became very much
afraid. So much intensity of projecting that even the doctors
who came to know about it when they visited Ramakrishna
and saw his breasts, could not believe it -- because this was
a physiological miracle. But his disciples whispered in the ears
of the doctor, "This is nothing -- he is having monthly

For six months continuously...his voice changed, it became
more like a woman's. He started walking like a woman --
which is very difficult; difficult because only a woman can
walk that way. She has a womb inside her body and that
womb gives a different kind of movement to the legs. Man
has no womb inside; his legs have a different movement.
He started walking like a woman, speaking like a woman, his
voice changed. And when the menstrual period started, then
the disciples became really afraid. They said, "We have lost
him. How can we get him back?" They tried to persuade him,
but until six months was up, he was not going to change his
path. They said, "This path is dangerous. We don't think that
these breasts and this period are going to disappear even
after six months. Your whole life you will be a laughingstock
-- and we are going to be laughingstocks because we are
your disciples."
It took almost six months after he stopped for the change to
take place again. Slowly, slowly, he became a man again --
before that he had become a woman. Such a deep
psychological projection.... It is through such projections that
people are experiencing Krishna, Jesus, Buddha -- and when
they experience it, they see it.

And if you say to them that it is only an illusion, how can
they believe you? Their illusion looks more real than you are.
Mind has a capacity to project anything and make it appear
almost real; or sometimes, if the mind is very powerful, even
more than real.

The Hidden Splendor, Chapter 9