Monday, 17 August 2015

Why do you Live like a King !

You ask me, "Why do you live like a king?"
There are four possibilities after you become enlightened. The first possibility Janak and Marcus Aurelius followed: they were born as kings, after they became enlightened they remained kings.
The second possibility Jesus and Kabir followed: they were born as beggars, after they became enlightened they remained beggars.
The third possibility was followed by Mahavira and the Buddha: they were born as kings, when they became enlightened they still remained beggars.
Then, I thought, for a change. . . . I was born as a beggar, I decided to live as a king. That is the fourth possibility and there is no other, so I am finishing the last. Somebody had to do it, otherwise history remains incomplete.
-- OSHO (the secret of the secrets, ch. 08)

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