Saturday, 15 August 2015

"If you lose, you will gain. If you don't lose, you will lose !

People come to me and they say, "Osho, I would like to become enlightened." I say to them, "It is very difficult, it is impossible. I cannot help you." They say, "Why? Why can't you help?" I say, "From the very beginning you are putting such a condition: you say, 'I want to become enlightened.' This 'I' is the barrier. This 'I' is not allowing you to know your enlightenment - which is already there. The 'I' never becomes enlightened; the 'I' is the unenlightened state. The 'I' is the darkness."
Enlightenment is possible, but it will be possible only when you are ready to lose yourself. That is the meaning of Jesus' saying when he says,"If you lose, you will gain. If you don't lose, you will lose." In losing is the gain. In forgetting is the remembrance. In dissolving, you become crystallized.
The crystallized self is a no-self, it is all; and the big, strong ego is very tiny, not big at all. The tiniest thing in the world is the ego, and the hollowest thing in the world is the ego, and the weakest thing in the world is the ego; because it is the falsest thing possible. It exists not; it is a pretension.
Ecstasy The Forgotten Language
Chapter 4 : The way of religion

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