Sunday, 2 June 2013

Few Questions on Ego !

Few questions On Ego, mind, emotions: 
 1. What is This NOW Moment?
 2. Why we become real on consuming Drugs & alcohol?
 3. Why memories are so important for our Identity?
 4. Why everybody seek attention from others.
 5. Why some people are Cruel for some and polite for others?
 6. What are the emotions?
 7. How our instant energies are generated in our body?

 Dear Friends
 So far we have discussed about mind, intellect & ego.
 Now so far have discussed that ` Mind needs memories as a food to process thoughts’. Also we discussed that `Intellect & senses acts like a guide feeder to feed memories into Mind machine in a coordinated way’. Also we discussed that `Ego is made of Identified thoughts, these thoughts are very helpful to recognize our identities in front of world with the help of senses & intellect Guidance’. And in last lecture we mentioned about Attention which is fundamental FOOD for our EGO.
 Our Mind runs in a vicious circle; for example: In order to think in future, we need to recall some memories from past to grab some references, for the purpose of Imagination & Visualization and we can materialize those `future thoughts’ by doing some actions through our body in Present mode. Whatever results come from present, those impressions  remain in our memories (past) for future references. So PAST, FUTURE & PRESENT makes a vicious circle. This circle is made from Time and time can be in NOW. Whatever we doing either thinking in past or future or actions in Now, actually is in NOW moment. But this NOW moment we extend it like a rubber. Our present is actually a possible Future, whatever we think in future it could be happen in present, and our present is going to be past & past is going to be reference for future. SO NOW is extended in future, present & past. But our life is moving forward with this NOW.
 For example: our car (body) runs on a wheel (a circle) but not at the same place but it covers a distance. Wheel`s job is same but it covering distances, same is our mind. If our mind stop eating memories from past for future references we cannot move in our life further. Memories are the basic food for mind. Our Ego is basically built on Memory house. Without connected memories, our mind cannot work properly on full speed, our body will be Stress free, and we will keep smiling or if hurt then crying without any reason. Our face will look like an innocent child. For example: after consuming alcohols, drugs or under any medication, some people starts smile & start speaking in different language. But mentally retarded people are always looks innocent, and when we see very elderly people, who can hardly remember their past, look very innocent & childish. So you can imagine how memories are playing role in human life!
 When we see any person who lost control on his mind either under any drugs, alcohol, or medication, or mentally retarded, or any child, or any elderly people -then our Ego doesn’t interact with these kinds of people, we become Ego Free in front of these people. Because ATTENTION is the food for our EGO, But if somebody cannot recognize us how Our Ego can will survive in front of him. For example : Police man will never be strict with a drunkard homeless man ,but as soon as he see any rich drunkard ,he will give all kinds of ticket. Similarly Media will never raise issue for small person but to grab attention for rich or famous people they will do all kinds of efforts .Similarly we don’t like to make friends who does not match with our status because we don’t get attention from them by showing off, Similarly it happens in our families too- A rich brother will make many friends outside of family & spend time but when it comes to invite a poor brother or sister, he will think twice. Similarly A rich lady will never like make tea or food on a family get to gather, this is a way of grabbing attention, but same lady will give its best in cooking or any service in Temple or any holy r place where she need attentions form community.
 Our behavior changes from person to person, place to place for just one purpose GRABBING ATTENTION. For someone, we can be a very Humble and good person but for others we could be very rude, Egoistic person. But in both cases, in actual we are searching our Food which is ATTENTION, because without attention we as an EGO cannot survive. We seek attention & at same time we need to pay attention in this world. A Cruel Boss can be very humble & polite in front of his Wife, because Boss is getting his Food form office but wife need food from his husband. Similarly a Peon pays attention in office but seek attention from his family. In India I saw many labor class people beat their wives & wives beat their children but children has not developed Ego yet, so memories of beating will demoralize them ,these traumatic memories will be a part of their egoistic mind when they grows up.
 In western world ,they made a society like that you pay attention on each other by giving gifts, cards, clubs,diners,flowers and for small small thing they say Thank you, excuse me, I am sorry extra. They use words Honey, Dear, darling extra. I am not here to discuss Good or bad aspects of societies, that you can think of yourself.
 But without Memories, Both parties cannot interact. One is seeking attention and one is paying attention. In both cases they require memories which are connected with each other’s. And without memories our mind cannot work properly so how our Ego will built? If somehow we want to forget our self by consuming drugs & alcohol then we have to pay a price for that time; which is our EGO. And without Ego whatever attention we were seeking from others (like respect extra) we will lose. If our Ego separates us from each other, then after consuming alcohol we become friends. Ego is one who separates us from our reality, on Consuming alcohol or drugs we become loose and become more real.
 Memories are our roots on which we (tree) are growing. These memories are FOOD for our Mind machine.
 Now every food we eat is used in our body to generate energy that helps to regulate various functions of body & whatever leftover left ,it get out in shape of urine, bowl and deposit as a fat & protein.
 Same ways Mind eat memories too for processing thoughts for performing various tasks. so some thoughts are used in performing actions through our body in day to day routine life, apart from routine work ,whatever thoughts are left ,they reflect through our body in shape of Emotions .
 These emotions are associated with many kind of body`s expressive postures & behavior & usually associated with different kind of energy wavelengths.
 For example: if we eat something high energy food, we will be full of energy & we cannot sit in one place so we need to do something to use that extra energy. Food gives energy to our body some of which store in form of proteins & fats .same way our impressions or memories are coded with various kind of energy wave length. When these memories process in our mind, those coded energies activate the energy source in our body; accordingly those stored energies in form of fat or protein break -up in form of instant energy so that Mind can use to materialize thoughts through body.
 It’s hard to make u understand, let`s have one example: suppose I see a new car in my neighbor .Right away these Impression perceived by my eyes came in contact of my mind`s desire field area. Yes I can buy new car too if I save some money. Now every time I see that new car, my desire intensity pick up & those desired impressions are getting more intensified with coded energy. Means more the intensity, memories will be associated with high energy code. If I get 500 memories with 200 Cal energy tag in my memory system, next time I see that car those 200 Cal memories pop out in my mind to process thoughts. Now total amount of thoughts will be 200 cal. These thoughts will order body to release 200 Cal of energy from storage once this energy is release ,we cannot save it or store it ,we have to spend somewhere by showing happiness or thinking about future( imagination, visualization etc.). So our mind is continuously feeded by memories tagged with energies. Those thoughts are ordering our body to release respective energies to perform tasks.
 Emotions are the end result of our Thoughts, which are reflected through our body with energies. Those emotional energies depend upon the intensity of desires or desired memories.
 For example : if somebody achieve their goal, Happy emotions will come out of body with respective energies .Happy emotions means body will react in certain way with that amount of coded energy feeded by memories . If desired goal is not fulfilled, sad emotions will come out by reacting in a depressed way, energy in body will be released but it will be depressed by our mind system inside the body, which can be dangerous to our body system, sometime that depressed energy comes out in form of anger like bomb exploded by trigger with some events.
 Both happy & sad emotions cannot be hiding, they will be reflecting through our body & tell the status of your mind system. If our mind tries to hide happiness by depressing this energy, it is equally harmful for body & somehow it will explode too in form of excitement like bomb explode.
 So our mind should keep emotional balance for our healthy body. Too Much excitement or too much anger, too much depression can lead to heart attack, blood pressure or other problems.
 Emotions are of many kinds, it not easy to explain, but today at least you should know a basic part.
 When we are happy, we are full of energy as we usually on body level, because our desires are fulfilled, Mind will be at ease for certain period until another goal or desire is assigned. When our desires doesn’t fulfilled, our mind keep busy in thinking about it past mistakes ,correction, imagination of desire in dreams, & be absent from current affairs ,will use its all energy in thoughts & feel low ,sad ,tired.
 So can we control our emotions?
 Emotions are very natural. They cannot be control naturally; they are end result of our thoughts. These end results can be feeded back in our memories house. for example if I see my enemy ,my anger comes out but I am unable to harm him, so these emotion I feed back in my system with more energized code & next time if I see him again ,my anger will be more than before. So Emotions was end result, but it makes a vicious circle by feeding back to mind. Everything in this world is in vicious circle so we need to start from we cannot control emotions because they are already out with instant energies, if by mind we try to control those natural events, we have constipation & sickness. & it will be our part of system with full of constipation, trouble inside.
 Jealousy, envy is a result of constipated emotions. 
Example: If My friend gets promotion at job, I feel sense of insecurity, because of my Ego. So I will show him my happiness & good about his promotion but inside of me I have sad emotions which I stop to release so that my friend cannot sense. This feeling we call jealous. This kind of constipation becomes our habit. So Emotions cannot be control but our mind can interfere with them like we interfere with our sleep, hunger or bowl movement. Only we can control is our Diet which are our impressions or memories. So we should avoid those environment or external factors which lead us to unhappy state. Or at least we should aware that this is all happening because I wanted those diets of my desire so whatever is the end result be, I am ready To face…
 For example : when we see any game, we are ready to face any kind of emotions , we already know that there will be lot of swings in emotions ,so that time we are excited until the end results come out.

 I hope you understand the sense behind my basics…

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