Friday, 6 March 2015

Even God comes next !

An intelligent person will make his life in such a way that it will have a poetry of spontaneity, of love, of joy.
It is your life and if you are not kind enough to yourself, who is going to be kind enough to you? If you are wasting it, it is nobody else’s responsibility.
I teach you to be responsible towards yourself. That is your first responsibility; everything else comes next everything else! Even God comes next, because he can come only when you are. You are the very center of your world, of your existence.
So be intelligent, bring in the quality of intelligence. And the more intelligent you become, the more capable you will become of bringing more intelligence into your life.
Each single moment can become so luminous with intelligence.. Then there is no need for any religion, no need to meditate, no need to go to the church, no need to go to any temple, no need for anything extra.
Life in its intrinsicness is intelligent.
Just live totally, harmoniously, in awareness, and everything follows beautifully. A life of celebration follows the luminousness of intelligence.

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