Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Beggar Bargain

I was in Allahabad, speaking in the Allahabad University, and as I was entering the university a beggar caught hold of me.
And Allahabad is one of the most prominent Hindu religious cities, because it is where three holy rivers meet. Hindus think that where three rivers meet – they call it sangam, ‘the meeting’ – that place becomes holy.
And in a holy place you will find more beggars than anywhere else, because naturally everybody who comes there pretends to be holy and to prove it he has to give to the beggars.
The more he gives the more holy he is.
And the beggar caught hold of me, thinking me just like anybody else.
The professors were there who were waiting to receive me.
He must have thought, ”This is the right time.” And he said, ”If you give me just one rupee, God will give you a million times more.”
I said, ”If you have such an intimate relationship with God, ask directly! Why put me in between unnecessarily.
I don’t have any contact with God and I don’t want a million rupees – what will I do with them?”
The beggar said, ”My God!
I have never seen such a man!
You don’t need one million?”
I said, ”I don’t need even one rupee, and I don’t have one!”
He looked at me, surprised. I said, ”You have to believe me; you can check.
I don’t even have pockets.
Where to keep one rupee?”
He looked at my robe.
There were no pockets. He said, ”You are the worst fellow I have come
across. And it seems you don’t believe in God.”
I said, ”You are right! I neither believe in money nor in God.
You have to find somebody else who
believes in money and who believes in God and who believes in respectability.”
I don’t believe in anything.
All these professors ... I don’t care ... Because I don’t brag,
I said to the beggar, ”If this is the way a transaction is made, you give me one rupee and get one million rupees from God.”
He looked at me and he said, ”This is too much! Not a single man in my whole life has asked one rupee from me.
There have been people who have not given, but asking ...!”
I said, ”According to your ideology, I am just giving you a chance of getting one million rupees in paradise.
Don’t miss the opportunity!
You have given the opportunity to many people in your life.
I am giving you the opportunity, I am the only man who is missing out on one million rupees for just one rupee.
Do it. It is a bargain!”
He simply turned his face from me and ran away.
I said, ”Where are you going? I will be coming wherever you go unless you give me one rupee.
And I am going to stay in this city for ten days!”
The professors said, ”You have done a miracle. We have been trying to get rid of this beggar.
He stands just in front of the door.
It looks so ugly, and he harasses everybody, and everybody has to
give something.
But you have done something great. He has run away!
Sat Chit Anand

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