Friday, 17 April 2015

Masters are difficult people !

Masters are difficult people. Never take them at their face value, never take them by their appearance; their appearance can be deceptive.
It is said about Gurdjieff that whenever a new disciple would come who would like to enter into the inner circle, he would start behaving erratically, suddenly he would start being crazy. And the old disciples would know that again he was playing his old trick, but the new one would escape, looking at this madman, what he was doing.
Once it happened, a journalist came. He wanted an interview, and he was showing much interest in Gurdjieff’s teachings. Gurdjieff looked around, saw an old disciple and asked, ”What day is it today?”
The disciple said, ”Today is Saturday.”
Gurdjieff said, ”How is it possible? Yesterday it was Friday, how is it possible that it is Saturday today? That is just mad – yesterday was Friday, how is it possible then that today is Saturday?”
The journalist stood up and he said, ”I am not in search of mad people. What’s going on here?” And Gurdjieff looked at him in such an angry way, such a penetrating way, that the journalist started perspiring with fear, feeling that this man can be dangerous. And Gurdjieff was a very strong man. If he jumped, he could kill you.
The journalist simply escaped, never came back again. And Gurdjieff
had a belly laugh.Some disciple asked, ”But why did you behave in such a way? He could have been helpful. He could have written an article. And he has contacts, he is a very well known man. Why...?”
Gurdjieff said, ”It is better to finish from the very beginning, because once he starts coming he will be coming more and more, and he cannot understand; he is a superficial man. He just took the appearance, how can he understand deeper things?”


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