Wednesday, 29 April 2015

No need to go anywhere !

Buddha had to ask forgiveness.
His wife - her name was Yashodhara - said, "For these twelve years I have been carrying only one question to ask to you. And that question is: whatever you have attained - and certainly you have attained something, I can see it in your eyes, on your face, in your grace. My question is: Whatever you have attained, was it not possible to attain it in the palace, in the kingdom? Was renunciation necessary?"
Gautam Buddha said, "At that time I thought so, because for centuries it has been said that unless you renounce the world you cannot find the ultimate truth. But now I can say with absolute certainty, whatever has happened to me could have happened in the kingdom, in the palace; there was no need to go anywhere."OSHO
Excerpted from :No Mind: The Flowers of Eternity. chapter #9

I love the Gautam Buddha as I have loved nobody else.
I have been speaking on him throughout my whole life.
Even speaking on others I have been speaking on him.
Take note of it, it is a confession.
I cannot speak on Jesus without bringing Buddha in; I cannot speak on Mohammed without bringing Buddha in.
Whether I mention him directly or not that's another matter.
It is really impossible for me to speak without bringing Buddha in.
He is my very blood, my bones, my very marrow.
He is my silence, also my song.
Books I Have Loved

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